Culture War

Culture War News – Transgenderism & More

Culture War
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash


As the culture continues to grow increasingly hostile to biblical morality and the Christian faith, all engaged in the culture war need to know the latest from the front. That is the purpose of these weekly posts.  

My mission is to provide help and encouragement to live out our faith amidst the moral decline of our culture. Challenges to religious freedom, free speech, biblical morality, innocent and defenseless human life continue unabated.

Do not be afraid. Standing firmly on the Word of God, we can resist evil and shine as lights, offering hope to a darkened world.

Normalizing Transgenderism 

As I collect material to include in these weekly posts, transgenderism & the LBGTQ agenda continue to rise to the top in culture war news. Therefore, the first several recommendations this week address these matters.

Trans Bathroom Policies Are Harming Girls Beyond Sexual Assault: Policy Expert

Do you want your daughter or granddaughter to be required to use a bathroom where boys or men, declaring they are women, can pop in? Not mine! But as the left pushes their agenda in the culture war, this becomes more likely.

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Jameson Taylor, who serves as director of policy and government affairs for the American Family Association, unpacked the potentially long-term damage that could be inflicted by school policies that allow biological males to use girls’ bathrooms and facilities.

Taylor believes, for example, that such policies are causing young women to develop an increasing anxiety about the bathroom being a safe place.

Disney Has Lost $34 Billion in Value Since Embarking on Culture War with Florida

Disney took the LBGTQ side in the transgender debate. This is the result.

Disney’s market cap has shrunk by nearly $34 billion since the company expressed its full-throated opposition to a Florida law banning instruction of gender identity and sexual orientation in public schools for kindergarten through third grade.

Parents File Lawsuit Accusing School of Secretly Transitioning Their Kids to the Opposite Gender

Why do teachers think they may teach young children about sex and the LBGTQ lifestyle? This violates parental rights. Buy what do we expect in the culture war?

SPRINGFIELD, Massachusetts (LifeSiteNews) — Two sets of parents in Massachusetts are suing a group of school staff members and administrators for allegedly guiding children to adopt discordant gender identities and then concealing those identities from their families.

The Transgender Revolution and the Death of Truth

Excellent insights into this aspect of the culture war by theologian & author Albert Mohler.

One day in the future, Americans will come to realize that the great denial of truth can be traced to a swimming pool. Just days ago, the University of Pennsylvania athlete identified as Lia Thomas won an NCAA championship in women’s swimming. This came after a season of controversy in which Thomas, who had previously competed on Penn’s men’s swimming team, dominated many women’s competitions, soundly defeating other swimmers.

Randi Weingarten Claims Parental-Choice Legislation Is the ‘Way in Which Wars Start’

Sick comments from the new president of the American Federation of Teachers, a true leftist culture war soldier.

Keep in mind, your kid’s teacher may be part of this group.

American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten suggested that parental-choice legislation like that spearheaded by Republican-controlled Florida and Virginia could sow the seeds of violent conflict.

‘Detransitioners’ Come Out Against Sex Change Procedures and Gender Ideology

Transgender advocates never want to admit there is a dark side to their advocacy. This article shows us some of the dark side.

Young women who regretted undergoing sex changes in their adolescent years spoke about their experiences and the adults who allowed them to transition in a Tuesday Substack article by Suzy Weiss.

Other Fronts in the Culture War

Cancel Culture Harms Us All

“Cancel Culture” is a weaponized tool of the culture war.

Cancel-culture activists are not interested in explanation, investigations, or even the truth. They act in bad faith and are obsessed with power and narratives. That’s why they rarely bother to find out what a person has actually said or done before whipping up a social-media mob — even if the targets are high-school students.

A Critical Look at Critical Race Theory in America’s Classrooms

Despite the denials, CRT is being taught in our classrooms.

The answer is simple: School officials around the country not only are teaching critical race theory’s components, such as “intersectionality,” to K-12 children. They also are applying the theory’s principle that discrimination is appropriate and necessary for school activities in the form of mandatory racial affinity groups. For example, where students are separated by skin color for different school functions.

China Lurks Behind Most Crises Facing America

If we continue to ignore the real threat from China, as the Biden administration is doing, the consequences may be disastrous.

Since the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan last August and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has felt like the world is on fire.  But in the midst of these attention-grabbing crises, there is an even more pernicious threat facing the United States and the signs are all around us.  Behind most major foreign policy issues lies China.

Biden Administration’s Plan to Destroy Medical Conscience Is Un-American

One of the progressive left’s tactics in the culture war is to force Americans to act against their conscience and religious beliefs. Do I pick up the scent of totalitarianism?

Freedom of religion is fundamental to the American concept of ordered liberty. But President Joe Biden doesn’t seem to care. If news reports are right, his administration intends to force doctors and nurses to participate in abortions—even when it violates their religious beliefs. It plans to force Catholic hospitals to violate Church teachings by requiring them to provide sterilization and gender transition procedures, even on children.

In short, the Biden administration will coerce health care workers and institutions to adopt the values of secular woke culture in their professional lives.


More Suggested Reading on the Culture War


Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Agree Biden ‘Likely’ to Be ‘Compromised’ by China Dealings: Poll


BRANDON: Biden Wants Our Border Open, and Americans Know It


Should Christians Always Submit to the Government?


Biden Wants to Force Nurses to Kill Babies Even if It Terrorizes Their Souls


The White House Has Found a New Way to Hide the Disaster That Is Kamala Harris



May God bless you and keep you and yours safe this week.


2 thoughts on “Culture War News – Transgenderism & More”

  1. Pingback: Culture War News of the Week : Faith Seeking Understanding

  2. Pingback: Culture War Update : Faith Seeking Understanding

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