Culture War

Transgender Wars – Culture War Focus

As the culture continues to grow increasingly hostile to biblical morality and the Christian faith. All engaged in the culture war need to know the latest from the front. That is the purpose of these weekly posts. This week’s focus is on transgender indoctrination.


My mission is to provide help and encouragement to live out our faith amidst the moral decline of our culture. Challenges to religious freedom, free speech, biblical morality, innocent and defenseless human life continue unabated.

Do not be afraid. Standing firmly on the Word of God. Resist evil and shine as lights, offering hope to a darkened world.

Transgender Indoctrination & More

Every week I review hundreds of articles to find those I will include in this post. This week the preponderance of material addresses the Left’s desire to indoctrinate our children with transgender ideas. The first 6 suggested articles address this.

LGBTQ+: Leftism’s Corruption of God’s Sacred Gift to Humankind

This is just wrong! A segment of our society wants to force their sexual preferences on our children.

It has been accepted, since time immemorial, that parents responsibly defer “The Talk”—the family discussion of “the birds and the bees”—to when they surmise their maturing children have reached the day they can understand and accept the explanations given without being confused, even bewildered. Until that moment, the dominant parental motive is to shelter them in their innocence, a motive long shared alike by teachers.

Given that, leftists are hard put to produce an intellectually honest and convincing justification for why young children and their classroom leaders even should “Say Gay,” or participate in any other frank discussion of sexual matters. Concerns over whether they are being groomed at school are legitimate. Further, should it turn out that a third-grader or younger is already seemingly at ease with the subject—straight or deviant—suspicion likewise mounts of the child possibly groomed elsewhere.

Building Trans America

Rod Dreher is right in calling attempts to transgenderize or children, and with them, our nation–evil.

We are in a fight with naked evil. So many powerful people push this evil. So many people who know better are too afraid to stand up and call it what it is. This is not a matter of diversity of opinion; this is Evil. Mickey Mouse pushes this stuff. The President of the United States, and his party, push this stuff. Far too few Republicans push back at all.

It has infiltrated many churches; many more refuse to say anything about it because they want to avoid controversy.

There is no avoiding this fight. It will find you and your church. It will find your kids, and their school. We are quickly moving to a time when anyone who objects to this will be treated by the State as an enemy. It will be here faster than you think.

Protect the Children

What do we call those who want to expose our children to the LBGTQ lifestyle as early as kindergarten? They profess outrage when called “groomers.” But that is just what they are.

In the wake of Florida’s overwhelmingly popular law prohibiting classroom instruction on sexuality to students in kindergarten through the third grade, many Americans are honestly baffled by the outcry. Why do progressive educators, Disney, and the White House all insist that 5-year-olds must be able to learn about scientifically dubious beliefs such as fluid gender identities?

One controversial explanation for why American elites have gone all-in on defending the teaching of esoteric sexuality to younger children is that they are “groomers.” And the word is being thrown around casually as an online slur. Even if educators are not directly looking to abuse children themselves by sexualizing them at very young ages and enabling kids to hide their sexual expressions from their parents, they are priming them for sexual abuse by predatory adults.

Many progressives opposing Florida’s law resent being called groomers when they insist their goal is to help confused children. Even some conservatives have spoken out about the inherent unfairness of the label.

Seven Reasons the Gender Unicorn Should NOT Be Taught in Schools

The “Gender Unicorn” is a colorful, child-attracting poster with accompanying lessons. It is also a tool useful for indoctrinating young children with transgender ideas.

You can see the poster at this link.

To summarize, the Gender Unicorn should not be taught in public schools for many reasons. It encourages students to adopt an anti-science approach to reality that relies entirely on feelings for determining the truth. It relies on terminology that is undefined and uncharacterized. And it promotes sex-based stereotypes, asks intrusive, and potentially abusive, questions. And finally, it is formulated in such a way that could easily be exploited by actual groomers in the schools. The handout is both dishonest and unethical and is not appropriate for classroom use.

Coercion and Conversion Therapy

We do not restrict the transgender controversy to the United States. It is a part of the culture war now raging in most Western nations with roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Here is a report from Britain.

It was a great disappointment, if not exactly a surprise, to read a recent letter from British Christian leaders urging the U.K. government to ban “conversion therapy” for transgender persons. The signatories were calling for such a ban to be included in a proposed law aimed at protecting gay persons from efforts to help them change their sexual orientations. Transgender persons, the letter states, are on a “sacred journey” to become “whole” and should be protected from such efforts as much as anyone. First among the signatories is former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, one of our leading theologians and a wonderful Christian, whom I otherwise admire greatly and to whom I am gratefully obligated on many levels.

But a few key words offer a window onto the core of their concern: “pressure,” “manipulation,” and “coercion.” It seems that, according to the signatories, encouraging people to live the sexual lives ordered by their biological sex is a form of oppression. This strikes me as completely misconceived.

The Left’s War on Childhood

This article goes beyond the transgender war on children. The author points out other ways children are being sacrificed to the god WOKE.

The transgender war on children is only the latest in a series of assaults on childhood by politicising everything. When African warlords enlist 8-year-olds to fight for their causes, we think that’s monstrous, but when leftists turn Greta Thunberg, an unstable teenage girl, into a heroine and encourage even preschoolers to protest over global warming, that’s activism.

Activism is how the educational war on childhood began. Now the war is not just about how children see the world, but against their bodies. Child soldiers are expected to be willing to die. The sexual identity political movement expects children to have their minds damaged and their bodies mutilated, taking away their ability to have their own children, as a political commitment.

The ancients sacrificed children to the fires of Moloch while progressives sacrifice them to their passion for wokeness. Either one is a symbolic assertion that the obsessions of the adult are more important than the safety of the child. Civilized adults don’t act this way. Barbarians, which is another way of saying children who inhabit the bodies of adults without the disciplined ethics of adulthood, do things like this because they live in a Lord of the Flies world of emotional turmoil, fearful insecurity, and angry selfishness. They see every encounter as a threat to their fragile identities, their insecurities surround them with humiliating microaggressions, and they retreat from their conviction that the world is a threatening place by escaping into fantasies.

Other Important Articles to Check Out

Ten Steps to Totalitarianism

Please don’t read this if you have a weak heart. America is well on its way to progressing through these steps to totalitarianism.

Does anybody still think totalitarianism can’t happen here? Ask yourself how many of these steps we’ve already galloped past.

A Shooter Puts Critical Race Theory into Practice

Indeed, a real-life example of the effect of Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Mayor Eric Adams, who had called white people “crackers”, claimed that he needed his brother to head his security because of an “increase in white supremacy” in New York City.

The New York City Board of Health falsely claimed that racism was a “public health crisis” and a public school told parents to abolish their “whiteness”.

After all that time battling white supremacy, which is as easy to find in the city as good manners and parking spaces, the black supremacist subway terror attack came out of the blue.

29 people were wounded, including a pregnant woman and a 12-year-old, when Frank James, a racist gunman, opened fire on a Brooklyn subway train. James was a racial supremacist, but not the one that New York City’s political establishment had spent so much time searching for.

James was just “abolishing whiteness” by putting critical race theory into practice.

How China Is Taking Over Hollywood

Interesting information on how China is controlling the movies we watch and aiming to control our thinking.

In his 2022 book Red Carpet: Hollywood, China, and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy, Erich Schwartzel makes a case that China’s current system of censoring American films bears a striking resemblance to the Nazi playbook. As a film industry reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Schwartzel is perfectly positioned to write this sweeping story of Hollywood’s perverse relationship with China.

Liberalism Can Never Accept the Real Christ

Liberalism doesn’t need Jesus Christ as savior, it has the STATE.

The central truth of Christianity is that Christ is not only the Son of God but that he came to suffer and redeem us by his sacrificial atonement. In this world of suffering, the suffering of Christ alleviates ours and heals us of our brokenness. Liberals, however, cannot abide by this Christ because they see the state, not Christ, as the path to redemption.

More Suggested Reading on the Culture War

EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Are Blocking Republican Efforts to Digitally Upload Hunter Biden’s Laptop

LA Residents Got What They Wanted: Criminals Who Aren’t Afraid


It’s Because of the Resurrection That the Culture War Matters


Biden Administration’s Proclamations on Transgenderism Threaten Religious Freedom


Why We Must Fight Biden’s Equity Agenda


May God bless you and keep you and yours safe this week.



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