Culture War Good News

Culture War Good News 06/21/2023

While the culture war is not abating, we have positive news to report in this selection of articles, essays, and posts.

culture war good news
(Muhamad Reza Junianto on Unsplash)


Traditional morality is prevailing despite attacks from the Left, the ruling elite, and the Woke crowd. Read the offerings that you find most interesting. It will strengthen your resolve to Stand Firm (cf. Ephesians 6:10-20).

Today we focus on articles, essays, and posts from the internet to keep you informed about positive developments in the ongoing culture war.

The ‘Woke Bubble’ Is About to Burst

Are you as sick of the Woke culture as I am? If so, this article will lift your spirit as it catalogs signs of the demise of Woke.

The signs are all there. Americans are growing weary of forced pronoun usage, aggressive virtue-signaling, and businesses co-opting social issues. The backlash is not just consumer behavior; it’s a national resistance against the dismantling of the solid values that built America.

We are witnessing the ultimate pump-and-dump. Overinflation of the ‘woke index’ suggests a looming crash is just ahead.

Christian Teacher Fired for Opposing LGBT Lessons at Son’s School Wins Appeal

This story from England engenders hope for those willing to risk their jobs and stand up for their Christian beliefs.

A Christian teaching assistant in England won her appeal against a prior judgment that upheld her 2019 dismissal for sharing Facebook posts that critiqued transgenderism and compulsory sex education in her son’s Church of England primary school.

In the Friday ruling, President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal in London Jennifer Eady ruled in favor of Kristie Higgs, stating that the “freedom to manifest belief (religious or otherwise) and to express views relating to that belief are essential rights in any democracy, whether or not the belief in question is popular or mainstream and even if its expression may offend.”

‘Seismic’: Britain Bans Puberty Blockers on Children Outside of Clinical Trials

More culture war good news from Great Britain. If only American would wake up and react correctly to the same evidence against the use of puberty blockers.

“All the evidence shows that puberty blockers don’t help, and there is clear evidence of physical and psychological harm caused by them, so this change is in line with the evidence we have,” Bell told The Telegraph newspaper. “A very large percentage of children being treated for gender dysphoria have other problems such as autism and depression, and many are upset or confused about their sexuality.”

With New Wave of Legislation, States Aim to Reintroduce Biblical Values to Schools

Reacting to the Woke culture war, several states are bringing biblical values back into public schools. Pray that more states do this.

As concerns over rising crime and the mental health of minors continue to climb, a new wave of legislation aimed at reintroducing America’s youth to biblical values in school is surging.

In Texas, bills have been introduced that would require that the Ten Commandments be posted in public school classrooms and for schools to be free to hire or accept volunteer chaplains to perform services including mental health support, suicide prevention, and other services.

Red State bank Lessons on Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation in K-6 Classrooms

Iowa recently relies on common sense to add to the culture war wins tally.

Throughout the nation, lawmakers are pushing bills that give parents more rights in their child’s education; in March, the U.S. House of Representatives approved the Parents Bill of Rights, which would mandate that school districts post their curriculum online annually for parents to review. The Florida Department of Education approved a proposal extending the state’s Parental Rights in Education law, prohibiting certain lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation in grades 4-12.

Culture War Good News Related Reading
A Backlash Is Building
The ‘Culture War’ Is Worth Fighting: An Unlikely Ally
The World Is Turning Against Gender Experiments on Children
The Woke Culture War Is Making Americans Socially Conservative
Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker Photobombs Biden with ‘Based’ Pro-Life Tie and Pin › American Greatness
Some of Nation’s Largest Pediatric Hospitals Will No Longer Offer Children Gender Modification


4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4–7 ESV)

Culture War Good News 06/21/2023 Read More »