religious freedom under attack

Culture War Update

As the culture continues to grow increasingly hostile to biblical morality and the Christian faith. All engaged in the culture war need to know the latest from the front. That is the purpose of these weekly posts.

Culture War
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

My mission is to provide help and encouragement to live out our faith amidst the moral decline of our culture. Challenges to religious freedom, free speech, biblical morality, innocent and defenseless human life continue unabated.

Do not be afraid. Standing firmly on the Word of God, we can resist evil and offer hope to a darkened world.

The War on Children, An Emerging Culture War 

As I do my weekly research, a “war on children” is surfacing more and more often. These first five posts address this issue.

5 Ways Democrat Policies Work to Destroy Children’s Lives

This scary but a must read for parents, grandparents and anyone who cares for our children.

Right before our eyes, those with power are stripping American children of their personhood. Here are five ways I see this clearly happening in our society right now.

Trans-Crazed Quacks Want Your Kids and Will Win if You Don’t Fight Back

Joe Biden has given the transgender culture war the presidential blessing.

The Biden administration’s efforts to impose transgender ideology on the nation’s children and schools are going into overdrive, and leading the charge is Dr. Rachel Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health.

Levine, a man who became a physician and raised a family before “transitioning,” has been celebrated by leftists and the corporate media as “the first female four-star admiral in the history of the U.S. Public Health Service” and a “Woman of the Year.” But the debate about this has gone beyond such absurdities or the willingness of Big Tech censors to punish those who mocked or denied Levine’s pretensions to being one of America’s most prominent females.

Levine has gone on the offensive against states that seek to enforce parental rights over the willingness of schools to push transgender ideology on children or to ban “treatments” for minors that amount to life-altering decisions or mutilations. These laws, passed by Texas and Florida, amount to a retaking of the public square for sanity and traditional norms about the way the medical profession deals with children. But Levine refers to them as “insidious actions that are politically motivated and really harm” the children involved.

Marxists Seek to Destabilize American Society Through Sexualization of Young People

The further left our government bends, the more Marxist ideals come into play.

Young people in the United States are being subjected to communist-style sexualization, according to author and expert James Lindsay.

The goal is to destabilize society to make it ripe for communists to grab power, Lindsay, author of “Race Marxism” and “Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity – and Why This Harms Everybody,” recently told EpochTV’s “China Insider” program.

And their plan has been afoot for more than a century.

“This is a deliberate program that Marxists have employed since at least the 1910s, starting in Hungary, to try to sexualize children to cause sexual and gender confusion so that they become political activists on behalf of some other agenda,” he said.

Helping LGBT Activists Isolate Children from Parents Puts Kids in Danger

More than 20 years later, LGBT activists are still playing by the same rules, isolating teenagers, and now children, from their families and creating an environment of distrust and fear of their parents. Their message seems to be that LGBT minors can only trust adults who are not their parents to properly accept and educate them.

There is simply no reason a school official should provide materials to a student without a parent’s knowledge. All scenarios in which a student may be in physical danger from his or her parents are already covered under the law, and school officials are required to inform authorities of concerns. While LGBT activists pretend that LGBT identity is a private experience for students to manage on their own, the facts tell us something very different.

LGBT minors need their parents, and they need limitations, rules, and guidance; not unconditional acceptance and affirmation of their identities. Their parents need to know everything that is going on in their lives.

Medical Experts Agree to Disagree on Levine’s Latest Lie

You would expect Rachel Levine, the second in command at the Department of Health & Human Services, to know something about health care for children. But, since Levine is a man, convinced he is a woman, his/her judgement is questionable.

Anyone who’s followed the latest culture wars understands that there’s not a lot of consensus between the two sides, especially on the LGBT front. So the idea that anyone — least of all Joe Biden’s second-in-command at HHS — would suddenly declare that there’s absolute agreement on the Democrats’ unpopular agenda to transgender children is unbelievable, even from this administration. It’s also news to medical experts across the disciplines, who didn’t waste any time setting the record straight.

“There is no argument among medical professionals,” the man who identifies as Rachel Levine insisted, “about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.” “Pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists,” Levine told NPR, they all agree “about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care.”

Turns out, they don’t all agree — including some of the pioneering doctors of the transgender movement. Just two weeks before Levine’s absurd lie, Dr. Erica Anderson, who underwent a radical operation himself, openly told reporters he was horrified at the rush to push children down this path. “I have these private thoughts: ‘This has gone too far. It’s going to get worse. I don’t want any part of it,” he said. Despite being “on the forefront of transgender care” and undergoing surgery in his late 50s, he strongly believes the pendulum has swung “to an extreme.”

“A fair number of kids are getting into it because it’s trendy,” Anderson told the Washington Post. “I think in our haste to be supportive, we’re missing that element…” Anderson thinks kids are leaning into gender treatments, hoping it helps with other psychological problems — and then struggle to dig out of the depression when it doesn’t. “I have a dictum: When in doubt, doubt,” she told the LA paper. “Questioning is a good thing. How are you going to find out if you are lockstep with whatever conclusion you come to first?”

 Stripping Conscience Protections Will Make Health Shortages Worse

The Biden administration is preparing to remove rule that protect the conscience freedom of medical personnel. Besides this threat on personal freedom, there will be other serious consequences if enacted.

Reports have surfaced that President Joe Biden is overturning the previous administration’s rule recognizing the rights of health-care workers to decline to perform procedures based on conscience concerns. Should affected medical professionals want to keep their jobs and licenses, they would be forced to perform medical procedures they find morally repugnant. The potential SCOTUS ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson only solidifies the division in our country on topics of medical ethics. How will this affect Americans?

One out of five medical professionals recently surveyed said they were considering leaving their practice in the next two years, and the U.S. health-care sector is already facing significant labor shortages. The Department of Labor (DOL) does a monthly job vacancy survey to help understand where the American labor market is lacking workers. The number of open health-care jobs has been on the rise over the last 10 years but skyrocketed during the last year.

CNN’s Fearmongering on Interracial Marriage and Roe

Have any doubt that the mainstream media is in bed with the liberal Democrats? Read this article.

CNN blasted out a push notification on Wednesday morning promising to explain “what overturning Roe v. Wade could mean for the future of same-sex and interracial marriages.”

“It’s impossible to wall off reversing Roe from landmark marriage and contraception rulings” reads the headline of the article, which was written by CNN Supreme Court reporter Ariane de Vogue.

Some progressives, including Representative Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.), have been making this argument since the leak of a draft opinion from Justice Samuel Alito in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that would do away with the framework established by Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. On Tuesday, Swalwell tweeted that “the Republicans won’t stop with banning abortion. They want to ban interracial marriage.?”

‘LGBTQ’ Activists Fear Abortion Rights Reversal

Some more of the mainstream media stirring the pot over the leaked Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

LGBTQers are up in arms about the leaked Dobbs verdict draft. To them, the willingness of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey — what they term “longstanding precedent” — somehow endangers them.

NBC News comes at it from a new woke angle with an interview of a “transgender” man (read: woman) who doesn’t want the overturning of Roe to interfere with her ability to obtain an abortion. The fallacious thinking that has been promoted by the Left is that overturning Roe means abortion will become illegal. No. If Roe is overturned, abortion “rights” will be returned to the states. The interviewee has nothing to worry about since she resides in New York City. The likelihood of abortion being illegal there is very slim considering how blue the state of New York is.

The most “rational” (for lack of a better term) of the activists’ fears regarding Roe and Casey potentially being overturned has to do with Lawrence v. Texas, which granted same-sex consensual coupling, and Obergefell v. Hodges, which granted same-sex marriage. Both precedents were set relatively recently (Lawrence in 2003 and Obergefell in 2015); neither is as longstanding as Roe. Activists have good reason to be afraid, especially since Obergefell — which appropriated a religious institution and inferred a “right” that wasn’t explicitly endowed in the Constitution — was made on tenuous grounds.

A Shocking Assault on the Supreme Court

The leak of the draft opinion on the Dobbs’ case before the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the anti-Roe Justices and undermine the Court. In response, the left pro-abortion crowd goes berserk while praising the leaker for their immoral action.

Left-wing commentators have hailed the shocking leak of the opinion and said that the Court deserves to be burned down and even ended altogether for the offense of finding no constitutional warrant for one of the Court’s most controversial and consequential decisions of the last half century.

The leak, assuming it’s legitimate (there’s little reason to doubt it) and assuming it came from someone on the left of the Court (which seems most likely), is a brazen breach of the Court’s rules in an attempt to sabotage its deliberations.

Theses Dems Are Using the Dobbs Opinion to Demand Court-Packing

Because of the Dobbs opinion leak, the specter of leftist packing of the Supreme Court is rising once again in Washington.

We cannot allow this perversion of the American justice system.

Democrats have long threatened to pack the Supreme Court with additional activist judges that would do the left’s bidding without hesitation. Now that the court appears poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats are ignoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s belief that nine is “a good number,” and calling for adding extra justices.

 More News to Check Out

Rulers of the Darkness of This World

Normalizing Perversion

Humans Come in Only Two Sexes

A Post-Christian West Will Be Violent, Brutal, and Oppressive

Cal Thomas – Parents, Demand Your Rights


 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3–5 ESV).

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  1. Pingback: Radical Left Fuels the Culture War : Faith Seeking Understanding

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