Radical Left

Radical Left Fuels the Culture War

Radical Left Fuels the Culture War—This week’s focus

Radical Left
(Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay)

If you’re paying attention, you know a culture war is raging in America and much of the West. But who is to blame? Who began the culture war? Who’s fueling the fire? Could it be the Radical Left?

Let me list a few of the battlefronts and see if you can guess the primary source of the culture war.

  • The LBGTQ agenda and the push to normalize transgenderism, including the grooming of our children.
  • Part of the above but deserves special mention: Men, thinking they are women, taking over women’s sports.
  • Pending legislation to legalize infanticide.
  • Big-tech censorship of conservative ideas.
  • Teaching critical race theory and The 1619 Project in public schools.
  • The sexualizing of our children beginning in early elementary school.
  • Rising anti-Christian sentiment. Seen most recently by pro-abortion zealots responding to the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion.
  • Biden’s “Ministry of Truth” i.e., censorship board.
  • “If you ain’t Woke, you ain’t right!”

Need any more hints? Of course, it is the Radical Left. And this includes the radical Democrats who dominate the current administration and play Joe Biden like a puppet.

If you are like me, the preceding list appalls you. If you want to stand firm for traditional conservative values, you need to know how the Radical Left fuels the culture wars.

This week’s culture war news points to articles related to the Radical Left’s obsession with crushing our beliefs.

Recommended Reading on the Radical Left Fuels the Culture War 

How Democrats’ Culture War Is Destroying Their Ability to Govern

Read this to see how the various culture war strategies of the Radical Left are affecting the Biden administration. Note that the author is reacting to and commenting on a New York Times column by Charles Blow.

And they [the Democrats] are fanatical culture warriors. Consider Blow’s complaint that the GOP is “challenging the teaching of Black history and the history of white supremacy in schools, as well as restricting discussions of L.G.B.T. issues and campaigning against trans women and girls competing in sports with other women and girls.” He adds that “Republicans are using white parental fear, particularly the fears of white moms.”

There Will Be Blood

Here the author comments on how the shift to the left has changed the Democratic party.

[Personal Note: My parents often voted for Democrats as I did in my younger years. I even campaigned for Eugene McGovern. As a youth, I was caught up in the idealism of JFK. As a freshly minted MPA I worked in the LBJ Model Cities program in Austin, Texas with an eye to eradicating poverty. But, as the party moved left, I moved right. Today the Democrats bear no resemblance to the party of my parents or of my early voting years.]

In the past, the extreme Left was the source of mayhem, far removed from the Democratic party of John F. Kennedy. The problem today is, the Democrat Party and the extreme Left are one and the same. The Party shifted so far left, that the violent fringe is where the mainstream party now resides. As such, they have no issues with utilizing violence to achieve their ends. Machiavelli would be proud.

The Leftwing Insurrection

This essay clearly documents that the threat of insurrection in the United States comes from the Radical Left.

According to the propaganda narrative of the media, Donald Trump and the Republican Party foment insurrection and illegitimacy in American politics. Only the noble left, with its commitment to democracy, can defend America and its institutions and rule of law. This is hogwash and anyone free from the tyrannic propaganda of the media knows it. In reality, the left peddles insurrectionist language and promotes the idea of American illegitimacy so as to endorse insurrectionist behavior— “in the name of democracy” though.

States of Perpetual Motion: Legislatures Remain Engaged on Trans Issues

The battle to mainstream transgenderism rages in many state legislatures. Even when more level-headed and conservative legislatures do the right thing, left learning governors may stand in the way.

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, claims to be “middle-of-the-road” but she vetoed a bill preventing men, claiming to be women, from participating in women’s sports.

But when you read the article, you learn that some governors have the courage to stand for the truth.

The culture-war front to see the most action in recent weeks is protecting women’s sports. Since men began dominating women’s sports, particularly at the collegiate level, dozens of states have stepped up to reestablish common sense and fairness by separating sports by sex. On Friday, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee (R) signed a strong bill protecting women’s sports at the collegiate level, and women’s sports bills are advancing in other states including Alaska and Tennessee. Georgia’s main high school athletic association (which, considering it’s Georgia, is probably more powerful than the state government) also voted Wednesday that players must participate on teams “that match the sex listed on their birth certificates at birth.”

Bill Would Let Feds Purge Military, Police with Charges of ‘Hate Crimes’

More Radical Left inspired legislation that would make every conservative American a potential domestic terrorist. Scary!

A bill in Congress would create new domestic terrorism units within the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, and FBI tasked with spying on Americans considered terrorist threats, then investigating and prosecuting them. (View Highlight)

H.R. 350, also known as the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act (DTPA) of 2022, is making its way through the House Judiciary Committee. It would give federal law enforcement agencies the power to classify as “domestic terrorism” whatever the federal government considers a “hate crime.” One of the new “domestic terrorism” agencies the bill would create would focus on “domestic terrorism matters that may also be hate crime incidents.”

These new “domestic terrorism” agencies would also “ensure that such programs include training and resources to assist…law enforcement agencies in understanding, detecting, deterring, and investigating acts of domestic terrorism and White supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of law enforcement and corrections agencies.”

Of course, many of those in power consider the Constitution and patriotism to be acts of “white supremacy.” That is openly stated by purveyors of the 1619 Project and its effective champions in the federal bureaucracy.

According to critical race theory, anyone born with pale skin is a potential “white supremacist” by means of his or her inborn “white privilege.” That means this bill could ultimately give federal agents the power to charge local law enforcement officers who love the Constitution with the “domestic terrorist” crime of “white supremacy.” This use of racial division to transfer local police power to federal agencies is already underway.

Is the American Postmodern Left a Fascist Movement?

Here, the author shows that today’s Radical Left fits the fascist description. And he is right on target.

Today our national socialists on the progressive Left define the American people as those who are marginalized. Or, if they are not marginalized by virtue of their race, gender, or sexual preference, have nevertheless become “woke.” In Hillary Clinton’s words. The only proper members of the new American Volksgemeinschaft are those who are not “deplorable” — who are not “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.”

Our postmodern Left seeks absolute regulatory power to care for the new American Volksgemeinschaft, to repress the deplorables and give power only to those who are “woke.” This duty is now being carried out by dedicated cadres of the movement on college campuses, in tenured faculties, in elementary schools, and on social media.

Again, our postmodern Left is following Fascist precedents. Mussolini promised that the Fascist State “is an educator and promoter of spiritual life to make each person better in his or her character and faith”. The State is to penetrate the will and the intelligence of the person, educating the person in civic virtues. The State is to be directed by “Those who are the moral dictators of the country.”

Biden’s Thug Government

This article shows how the administration, dominated by the Radical Left, responds to attacks on traditional values.

When the political Left wants something badly enough, extortionate threats — which are effective because they are frequently coupled with actual violence — are always on the table. Democrats cannot condemn progressive political violence because it is deemed righteous, seen as devotion to the cause. Leftists who engage in violence are lionized, not condemned.

Asked if the president condemned the leak — which is a blatant obstruction of justice and an embezzlement of government property, both criminal offenses — White House flack Jen Psaki responded that the Biden administration did not “have a particular view on that.” Psaki said it would be up to the Justice Department to decide whether to investigate the leak, as if it weren’t Biden’s Justice Department, as if the executive branch had no interest in or responsibility for the protection of the Supreme Court and its members.

That’s quite the departure from Biden’s Capitol riot rhetoric, which not only touts the enforcement of the laws but aggressively calls for prosecution of people who dare defy the January 6 Committee’s subpoenas.

The Culture War Explodes

The Radical Left is attacking every institution in our nation.

Every institution of our country is under brazen attack by the left. They have infiltrated agencies like the CIA and FBI and used the vast powers of those agencies against their political opponents, most notably Donald Trump.

We’ve seen the federal Department of Education turned into an ideological cesspool of indoctrination. We’ve watched as thousands of schools were infected with leftist, Marxist race-baiting materials. We’ve seen attacks on American history on par with enemy propaganda. We’ve seen a full-throated campaign to weaken law enforcement, empty our jails and open our borders — all at the same time.

Woke Left Collapsing, Beginning to Lose Culture War

Here is a more positive outlook on the culture war. Read it to take in some good news that makes the Radical Left cry.

The wokes are on the verge of an inevitable collapse, refusing to pivot and desperately trying to hold onto what gave them a means of influence.

The vulnerability of the social justice takeover began to appear last fall when its participants failed to cancel Dave Chappelle for the crime of performing comedy. At the time, it was the most notable failed cancellation effort to date. Chappelle’s survival proved that the progressive vultures are incredibly weak, so long as companies and individuals do not cave into submission.

Though they looked mighty in stature, the woke Left never quite captured the support of the country. Most Americans never liked them. It only seemed that way because they had so successfully taken over our most influential institutions — the media, tech, Hollywood, sports, and academia — and thereby controlled public messaging. Today, we see that the rest of the country is finally fighting back.

And they are winning.

The Left Is the Culture War Aggressor

Finally, the last post I suggest this week caps my argument that the Radical Left fuels the culture war.

Responding to Disney’s blow up over the Florida Parental Rights Education bill, Ben Shapiro writes in part:

The Left, caught with its hand in the kiddie jar, immediately swiveled and accused the Right of initiating this culture war. Michelle Goldberg of The New York Times lamented that she felt terrible for Raveneau, who, after all, was just “step(ping) up to defend the company’s queer friendliness, only to become a national object of right-wing fury and disgust,” and whose injection of LGBTQ propaganda into children’s content was “sweetly anodyne.” CNN hosted Washington Post transgender columnist Charlotte Clymer, adding the chyron “LGBT COMMUNITY LATEST TO BE CAUGHT IN CULTURE WAR.” The takeaway, according to the social Left, is that anyone who defends traditionalism in child-rearing — or anyone who simply doesn’t want children turned into targets of sexual propagandizing — is the true cultural aggressor.

This is a transparent lie. And it’s a lie that won’t redound to the benefit of those who seek radical change. If they wish to pose the rubric of gay rights against parental rights, gay rights are likely to suffer. If they wish to suggest that LGBTQ freedom extends to teachers initiating children into sexual conversations without parental permission, parents are unlikely to go along for the ride. For decades, the social Left has made inroads by arguing that they simply want to be left alone.

The Right, by contrast, has argued that the Left’s agenda is far broader. That the Left demands cultural celebration of its sexual mores and that it will stop at nothing to remake society in order to achieve its narcissistic goals. Disney’s latest foray into the culture wars proves that the Right was correct. The Left’s stated agenda was a lie and that its “not-at-all-secret” agenda targeted the most vulnerable Americans.

More Interesting Culture War Reads to Check Out

Poll Shows 65% of Americans Essentially Want Roe v. Wade Overturned


Forcing Christian Teacher to Lie to Parents About Students’ ‘Preferred Pronouns’ Violates Religious Freedom, Federal Court Rules


YouTube Hosts Channel Teaching Kids About Abortion and Porn


Big Tech Is Subtly Controlling Our Lives—and We Need to Fight Back


Parents Fight Back Against CRT Destroying High-Achieving Schools

The Purpose of these Weekly Posts

As the culture continues to grow increasingly hostile to biblical morality and the Christian faith. All engaged in the culture war need to know the latest from the front. That is the purpose of these weekly posts.

My mission is to provide help and encouragement to live out our faith amidst the moral decline of our culture. Challenges to religious freedom, free speech, biblical morality, innocent and defenseless human life continue unabated.

Do not be afraid. Standing firmly on the Word of God, we can resist evil and offer hope to a darkened world.

 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:3–5 ESV)

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