Good News

Reading for Christian Culture Warriors

Reading for Christian Culture Warriors

Every week I offer a curated selection of articles and posts of interest to Christians loving God with all their minds in a hostile society. I hope to provide culture warriors with information that helps you stand firm in the faith despite the culture wars raging around us. Here is this week’s reading for Christian culture warriors.

Weekly Reading for Christian Culture Warriors
(Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
Here’s What I Teach Instead of Critical Race Theory

This is an excellent article showing the correct way to teach about slavery and the evils of racism. When I visited the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, I didn’t need CRT to show me the evils of slavery or the wickedness of racial discrimination. I didn’t need CRT to make me ashamed of those parts of our past. I didn’t need CRT to make me weep over the story I saw unfolding.

Well, I’m against CRT, and I’m a teacher. I’ve written about the ubiquity and radicalism of CRT elsewhere. My intent here is not to discredit CRT directly. Reading CRT scholarship discredits itself. Rather, I present here what I teach to my class to show that accepting CRT and rejecting accurate history is a silly false dichotomy, as so much of this debate is.

Next Stage of Rebellion: Normalizing Pedophilia

Those who warned that the Supreme Court’s endorsement of same-sex unions would open the door to normalizing more perverse behaviors are being proved true.

There is nothing new under the sun. A college professor in Virginia is openly suggesting pedophilia is natural and should not be considered wrong. His name is Allyn Walker, and he calls for “destigmatizing” pedophilia, or ‘MAP,’ which stands for minor attracted people.

Seminary President: “There Is Nothing Godly” About Saving Babies From Abortions

I’m always taken aback when someone who professes to be a Christian is adamantly pro-abortion. Here, it is not just an ordinary pew-sitting believer; it is a seminary president.

Abortion activists are attacking pro-life efforts in every way possible, including by twisting Christian teachings to claim that it’s acceptable to kill a unique, living unborn baby who is created in the image of God.

The Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, president of Union Theological Seminary in New York City, is one of them.

In a column at Salon, she slammed the Texas heartbeat law as “un-Christian” and claimed it’s pro-lifers who are distorting the Bible for “their political goals.”

Are Animal Rights Extremists Transforming Agriculture in America’s Heartland?

Animal rights groups including the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have found a new way to attack America’s meat producers.

Cattle ranchers and other meat producers have been under fire by animal rights and environmental groups for years. It’s nothing new. But under the current Biden administration, the agenda to halt meat production under the premise of a climate crisis has accelerated to a mind-numbing pace.

Biden Admin Will Tear Down Trump Department Dedicated to Protecting Religious Freedom

I must be brutally honest about this. Actions taken (or not taken sometimes) by our government to protect the religious freedom and associated conscience rights of adherents to any legitimate religious faith are both dangerous and foreboding.

First, Joe Biden’s administration dropped a lawsuit defending a Vermont nurse who said she was tricked into helping abort an unborn baby in violation of her rights.

Now, it appears the administration wants to limit the powers of a federal office tasked with enforcing religious freedom in other cases like the pro-life nurse’s.

Progressive Legal Scholars Have Long Known Roe’s Reasoning Is Calamitous

That the reasoning underlying the Roe vs. Wade decision was questionable has been noted for decades. But not only conservative legal scholars hold this position. Honest progressives also know this to be true.

Roe is indefensible as a matter of honest constitutional interpretation. It short-circuited the political process and poisoned the Court. Its only justification is that it reached a substantive policy outcome that its proponents happen to like (the surest sign that it should have been left to the democratic process).

And it endures only because the Court has thus far been too stubborn or too scared to correct its error. But as Professor Alan Dershowitz put it, in the absence of “clear governing constitutional principles,” abortion is “precisely the sort[] of issue[] that should be left to the rough-and-tumble of politics rather than the ipse dixit of five justices.”

‘Yes, But’: Exposing the Heart of Islamic Apologetics

Both Muslim and non-Muslim apologists for Islam (Remember the Obama administration?) have developed a standard way to dance around the teachings of the Koran to put them in a more favorable light. This article exposes that maneuver.

“Yes, but…” This has come to represent the heart of all Muslim apologetics. Whenever an Islamic doctrine or principle is accused of promoting hatred, violence, misogyny, etc., its defenders rush to argue that, “Yes, a few Muslims twist this teaching for their ends, but the doctrine is really teaching something else.”

Catholic Progressives and the Culture War

Don’t let the title scare you away from this article. George Weigel at First Things offers insights into the ongoing culture war of value for all Christians.

The culture war defining much of contemporary public life throughout the Western world comes in two forms. One group of cultural aggressors, well-entrenched in the Biden administration, insists that human beings are infinitely plastic and malleable, that there are no “givens” in the human condition (including the givens inscribed in our chromosomes), and that acts of will, aided by technology, can, for example, correct “gender assignments” misapplied at birth.

Another group of cultural aggressors takes a sharply different tack, insisting that our race, sex, ethnicity, or some combination thereof indelibly marks us as either victims or oppressors. The LGBTQ+ movement is one expression of the former. Critical race theory and such exercises in historical fantasy as the New York Times “1619 Project” (through which schoolchildren are now taught that the real American founding happened when the first slavers brought their human cargo to Virginia) is a good example of the latter.

‘Baffling Error:’ Biden Removes Nigeria From Religious Oppressor List

Given what we know about religious terrorism in Nigeria, this makes no sense. What are Biden’s minions thinking?

We’re deeply alarmed at today’s decision by the U.S. State Department to end the designation of Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). This is not only a baffling error, it’s likely in direct violation of the International Religious Freedom Act, the law that requires these designations to be made in the first place.

The Pandemic of Rampant Wokeism Strikes Academia

This essay shows us that “Wokeism” is negatively influencing our educational system from the university all the way to middle school and perhaps even more deeply.

That our educational system is broken is no longer a debatable proposition. The only question is whether it is broken beyond repair. To effect constructive change, universities must be willing to concede that wokeism and scholarship are antagonists that cannot coexist, but there is no credible basis to believe that this will occur. The woke have taken over our universities and transformed them into what they always wanted them to be. Whatever that is, we should be under no illusion that the institutional mission is one of dispassionate analysis in the pursuit of objective truth.

Some Additional Articles to Consider

May you have a blessed, productive, and peaceful week.

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