Culture War

Culture War: Recommended Reading

Each week, I recommend readings on the culture war from around the Internet for Christians living amid an increasingly hostile society.

Culture War
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

My mission is to provide help and encouragement to live out our faith amidst the moral decline of our culture. Challenges to religious freedom, free speech, biblical morality, innocent and defenseless human life continue unabated.

But do not despair. Standing firmly on the Word of God, we can resist evil and shine as lights, offering hope to a darkened world.

The Private Sector Succumbs to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

From personal experience, I know that even organizations that pride themselves on being “faith-based” have been co-opted in the culture war.

The Biden administration set the tone last year by announcing a whole-of-government initiative to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), including an executive order, a government-wide strategic plan, and numerous provisions in the Build Back Better legislation. When the opportunity arose for a Supreme Court nomination, Biden limited his choice by race and gender, requirements that would be unlawful in the private sector. The administration also implemented a so-called loan-forgiveness program available only to black, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Hispanic, Asian, and Pacific Islander farmers. The racially exclusive program, which offers up to a 120 percent rebate (a 20 percent profit), has been enjoined by numerous federal courts while class actions work their way through the courts.

LGBTQ Activists Host Gender-Inclusive Sex-Ed Summer Camp for Elementary Schoolers

Looking for a summer camp program for your third-through-fifth grade kids. If so, you will probably want to avoid this perverted idea of a summer camp.

LGBTQ activists in Indianapolis, Ind. are hosting a sexual-education summer camp for elementary schoolers.

The four-day program is open to third-through-fifth graders and costs $250 per child. A web page advertising the event states that enrolled children will participate in “affirming, non-binary, body-positive, social emotional learning through play” with an “inclusive sexuality educator.”

 To Punish Putin, US Firms Develop Social Credit System He’d Be Proud Of

Now, on the surface, this seems laudable, but you need to read the fine print. Not only will this system deny Russian transactions, but it will also deny services to those whose opinions they do not approve of. This is a culture war tactic on steroids.

It could be tempting to cheer the move for targeting Russia’s authoritarian regime and condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked attacks on the people of Ukraine. But the actions by private companies against Russians are part of a larger swing by U.S. corporations to deny services to those whose opinions they deem unacceptable — and that’s exactly the kind of social credit system Russia is building to impose on its own people.

‘Great Lakes Bill of Rights’ Legislation Introduced in New York

An often-neglected culture war strategy is the “nature’s rights” movement. This aims to give nature, (i.e., lakes, rivers, forests, etc.) the same rights as humans. This is a blatant assault on human exceptionalism.

God created everything, but when he created human beings, he made them in his own image. That sets humans apart from the rest of creation.

I will address this attack on human exceptionalism in a post next week.

The “nature rights” movement continues to advance — as most people still think the proposal too ridiculous to take seriously. That’s a mistake, because the radicals who are pushing this agenda are determined to see it become the law — as it already is in three nations and more than 30 U.S. municipalities.

Now, a bill has been introduced in New York that would create a “Great Lakes Bill of Rights.” From AB 3604 (my emphasis):

The Great Lakes, and the watersheds that drain into the Great Lakes and their connecting channels, shall possess the unalienable and fundamental rights to exist, persist, flourish, naturally evolve, regenerate and be restored by culpable parties, free from human violations of these rights and unencumbered by legal privileges vested in property, including corporate property.

Florida and Texas Are Right to Fight Back in the Transgender Debate

Both Texas & Florida took positive steps to uphold parental rights. They are to be applauded for their efforts and more states need to take note. Parental rights are on the front lines of the culture war.

In recent years, LGBT lobbyists and activists have outlawed safe and effective talk-therapies (so-called “conversion therapies”) for children with gender dysphoria and championed harmful gender-transition experiments in their place. They have conspired with schools behind parents’ backs to encourage children to reject their bodies and their families. Now, they are reaping what they’ve sown, as lawmakers not in thrall to their ideology push back.

Culture War Legislation Update: Bill to Federalize CRT Must Be Stopped

The radical left in Congress wants to make sure that Critical Race Theory brainwashes every American child. Warning: the foundation of CRT is Marxist thought and is contrary to Christian beliefs. Winning over our children is a key leftist culture war strategy.

Yet, the progressive elite are in love with CRT and want to inculcate our children with false beliefs.

You might think the national parents’ rebellion against critical race theory (CRT), along with the resounding gubernatorial victory of CRT opponent Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, would be enough to protect us from federal legislation designed to impose CRT on America’s schools. You would be wrong. It looks like a federal CRT bill is around the corner.

A plan to introduce a revised version of the Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSDA), a bill that would turn CRT and “action civics” (leftist protests for course credit) into Common Core 2.0, is well underway. The coalition of leftist “civics” groups behind the new CSDA is desperate to rake in the $6 billion windfall the bill would hand them. This is their last chance to tap into the federal gravy train before the Democrats likely lose control of Congress. If passed this year, the revised CSDA would also set these pro-CRT leftists up as the arbiters of a de facto national curriculum, regardless of what happens in the midterms.

Texas Abortion Businesses Admit Defeat. Abortion Ban is Here to Stay

Now, for some good news!

The highest courts in the land have upheld the Texas abortion ban.

So, why is this important?

Because it opens the door for similar legislation from other states.

The Texas abortion ban is here to stay and will keep saving babies from abortion. That’s what Texas-based abortion businesses are admitting the wake of a unanimous Texas Supreme Court decision that essentially ended any legal hope of overturning the state’s abortion ban.

As LifeNews reported, the Texas Supreme Court unanimously ruled today that Texas can continue being the first state in America since 1973 to ban abortions. With a ruling against Texas abortion businesses today, the state’s highest court effectively ruled that the heartbeat law can stay in place that bans abortions when babies have a detectable heartbeat at 6 weeks and allows private lawsuits against abortion practitioners and abortion businesses that break the law.

The Diminishing Returns of the Democrats’ Lies

The Biden administration must think we are a nation of dolts. Who do they think they’re fooling with their blatant lies? This article shows how blatant they are lying to the American public. For shame!

The party’s blatant falsehoods can distract voters from the mess over which it presides for only so long.

Forced into a state of panic by a series of cataclysmic polls, the Democratic Party has entered a new phase in its attempt to turn around its waning fortunes: lying directly — and unashamedly — to your face. To paraphrase Elena Gorokhova, “You know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know you know they are lying, you know they know you know they are lying, but they are still lying.”

So, what are they lying about?

About what? About everything, that’s what.

They’re lying about inflation — which first wasn’t going to happen at all, which then wasn’t going to happen for very long, and which is now being blamed on a Russian invasion of Ukraine that started a year after prices rose.

They are lying about their agenda — which began as a New Deal–sized transformation of America, which was then transmuted into an “infrastructure” package that for a brief moment was sold as a $0-in-cost unicorn, and which has finally and ridiculously been recast as a means of fighting the inflation that, as of this week, the White House is calling “Putin’s price hike.”

They’re lying about gas prices, for which Joe Biden is or isn’t responsible depending on the day you ask them, and which have inspired the most incoherent set of policy answers in recent memory. They’re lying about Afghanistan — which was definitely not going to be a catastrophe, until it was a catastrophe, at which point a catastrophe had been the plan all along. They are lying about Florida’s education policy, and about the nature and scope of science, and about the motivations of the Supreme Court, and about American gun law, and about anything else they can think of that might distract the public from the mess over which they currently preside.

The World Rages at Russia’s Evil Actions—but Shrugs at China’s

Yes, Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine and the wanton targeting of civilians is deplorable and worth condemnation.

But as this article points out, the evil perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party has been in place for much longer, yet much of world and world leaders ignore it.

To understand why, read this article.

Most of the world righteously united against Russia after its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin is now an international pariah. Ukraine is receiving billions in military and humanitarian aid. The world’s soft power resources have mobilized to sever Russian access to financial services, trade, most business opportunities, and international travel. Russian oligarchs have been sanctioned, their mega-yachts seized. The United States will henceforth refuse to buy Russian oil. Even the hapless United Nations General Assembly condemned Russia in an overwhelming, albeit nonbinding, vote.

This is all very encouraging. Resisting a ruthless dictator bent on expanding his power as he suppresses his own people and commits human rights atrocities requires a robust international response if the world is to remain minimally civilized. But the question must be asked: Why mobilize so effectively against Russian human rights atrocities while concomitantly shrugging at the profound crimes against humanity being committed by the People’s Republic of China?

Yes, the Russian invasion is horrific and inexcusable. Innocent people are suffering and dying. Their shed blood cries out for a focused reaction.

But what about China?

But is the ongoing evil committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) any less worthy of a focused international response? First, there’s the active and ongoing genocide inflicted against the Uyghurs of Western China where more than 1 million innocent people have been imprisoned in concentration camps simply because they’re a Muslim ethnic minority. Uyghur women are raped as a means of oppression, and often forced to endure involuntary sterilization and abortions; Uyghur workers are shipped involuntarily throughout the country as literal slaves. It’s all sickeningly reminiscent of the Third Reich.

But that’s far from all. Falun Gong practitioners are routinely arrested for their beliefs and murdered to supply China’s “organ tourism” trade. Then, there’s the illegal occupation and cultural genocide of Tibet, the crushing of democracy in Hong Kong against China’s treaty obligations, its increasingly bellicose threats against the independence of Taiwan, the pernicious social credit system, military incursions against the Indian border, the illegal militarization of the South China Sea, and the mass theft of international property—not to mention the great COVID-19 coverup—all at the direction of a Communist Party dictatorship as cold, calculating, and indifferent to the sanctity of human life as the man who rules Russia.

Yet, despite all of this—and more—China remains a “respectable” member of the international community.

The Great (Destructive) Reset of Capitalism—a goal of the culture war

Quietly and out of the sight of most Americans, a plan is unfolding that will radically alter our way of life, and not for the good.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is promoting a dystopian vision, and it is closer than you think. By 2030, it says, “You will own nothing and you’ll be happy.” Ownership and control will be vested in a handful of government leaders and a cabal of the wealthiest individuals in the world. You will lose more than just your possessions.

Under the WEF’s “Great Reset,” individual freedom, personal responsibility, and opportunities for growth and self-fulfillment will be eroded away. Democracy, the free market and national sovereignty will be replaced by a new world order, stakeholder capitalism and centralized control by some NGOs, globalist corporations and the elite. Klaus Schwab, the WEF’s founder and executive chairman, gloated over the pandemic: to him, it was a “window of opportunity” for this reset.


Additional Culture War Related Reading


Million Dollar Homes Become Status Symbols of Televangelists and Pastors


EXCLUSIVE: IRS Is Targeting Christians, Prominent Pastor Tells Starnes


Christianity Is the World’s Most Persecuted Religion, Confirms New Report


‘Harry Potter’ Author J.K. Rowling Condemns Transgender Bill, Says It Will Hurt ‘Most
Vulnerable’ Women


Why Not Honor People’s Preferred Pronouns if We Honor God’s?


Thinking About Freedom Rockwell’s Four Freedoms and Ours



May you have a blessed, productive, and peaceful week.



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