Culture of Death

Culture of Death – Weekly Update

The Culture of Death is an apt characterization of our world and as Christians, we are called to resist and speak out against every attempt to undermine the sanctity of life.

Culture of Death
Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash

That is why every week I share articles, essays, and posts from around the internet of interest to those who care about the value of human life from conception to natural death. This weekly post will inform the reader on a variety of bioethics issues, including abortion, assisted suicide & euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, genetic engineering, biotechnology, and more facets of the culture of death.

California Bill Would Legalize Infanticide, Babies Could Be Left to Die Up to 6 Weeks After Birth

Proponents of the culture of death are becoming increasingly extreme.

First, Maryland and now California are considering legislation that legalized infanticide.

The Legislature finds and declares that every individual possesses a fundamental right of privacy with respect to personal reproductive decisions, which entails the right to make and effectuate decisions about all matters relating to pregnancy, including prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, contraception, sterilization, abortion care, miscarriage management, and infertility care. What is postpartum care? I looked it up and learned that it “encompasses management of the mother, newborn, and infant during the postpartal period. This period usually is considered to be the first few days after delivery, but technically it includes the six-week period after childbirth up to the mother’s postpartum check-up with her health care provider.” Good grief.

Woman Nine Months Pregnant Was Killed, but Canada Said Her Unborn Baby Isn’t a Human Being

If the unborn child isn’t a human being, what is it? Virtually every embryology textbook in use today confirms that a human life begins at conception.

Losing a loved one to a violent crime is a hurt that cannot be repaired even by the harshest sentence possible. The problem goes deeper for the Goberdhans, however, as they mourn not only Arianna, but also her daughter Asaara. Arianna and her daughter Asaara were buried together – Asaara a perfectly formed baby who died waiting for emergency services to arrive. Asaara was not recognized by our criminal justice system because she was still in the womb when she was murdered.

‘Healthy’ American Sisters Die at Swiss Suicide Clinic

Legal assisted suicide has morphed into death on demand. From Wesley J. Smith:

Repeat after me: Assisted-suicide legalization eventually leads to death on demand.

Oh, you doubt me. That is already the law in Germany thanks to a court ruling creating a constitutional right to a “self-determined death,” with help from anyone, at any time, and for any reason.

Now a suicide clinic in Switzerland has committed a joint assisted suicide of apparently healthy sisters from Arizona who flew there secretly to be made dead.

What Does Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson Think About Abortion and Pro-life People? Is She Another proponent of the Culture of Death?”

The next three articles tell us much about the potential justice’s position on abortion.

Ketanji Brown Jackson Called Pro-Life Americans “Hostile, Noisy, and In-Your Face” People

Massachusetts sidewalk counselor Eleanor McCullen’s gentle testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday refuted the lies that pro-life advocates are “hostile, noisy and in your face” outside abortion facilities.

That description, used in a brief U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson joined when she represented pro-abortion groups in a case challenging pro-life sidewalk counselor’s free speech, appeared ridiculous when contrasted with McCullen’s grandmotherly warmth and compassion.

Ketanji Brown Jackson Claims She’s a Christian but Supports Killing Babies in Abortions

Jackson is not alone in claiming to be Christian but is pro-abortion. In fact, entire denominations, including the Evangelical Church in America, the United Methodist Church, and the Episcopal Church USA support abortion.

Support for abortion on demand contradicts the teaching of the Bible. No matter how much pro-abortion “Christians” twist Bible passages to support their view, abortion remains the murder of an innocent human being, something the Bible clearly condemns.

Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson mentioned God and her Christian faith several times already this week during her U.S. Senate confirmation hearings, though pro-life and religious leaders have serious concerns about her views on abortion and religious freedom.

Jackson is President Joe Biden’s choice to fill retiring Justice Stephen Breyer’s seat; and Biden promised to choose a justice who believes in the so-called “right” to abort an unborn baby. She also has the support of NARAL Pro-Choice America, which advocates for abortions without limits up to birth, and leftist “dark money” groups.

Ketanji Brown Jackson Has Absolutely No Idea When Human Life Begins. “Um, I Don’t Know

This is a common dodge used by pro-abortion politicians. Remember when then presidential candidate Barack Obama answered the same question by saying it was above his pay grade to know when human life begins?

Neither Obama nor Jackson is stupid. Rather, they are more likely to be conveniently ignorant of the well-known fact, acknowledged by medical science, that human life begins at conception.

For decades, science has confirmed that human life begins at conception. But that’s apparently shocking news to Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Medical experts and medical textbooks have confirmed for decades that human life begins at conception/fertilization.

A survey asked over 5,500 biologists when human life begins and 96% of them agree that human life begins at the point of conception or fertilization.

If You’re Pro-Life, Boycott Citibank for Funding Abortions

You must admit that bankers know how to maximize profit. Citigroup would rather pay for a female employee’s travel from Texas to have an abortion elsewhere than pay 16 weeks of pregnancy leave. After all, the abortion trip costs the company much less.

But there is a catch:

But Citigroup may have written a check it won’t want cashed. For one thing, their new policy may be illegal. “It’s a criminal offense to ‘furnish the means for procuring an abortion knowing the purpose intended,” said Texas Rep. Matt Schaefer, citing the relevant section of Texas law. The “means for procuring an abortion” applies to hotel rooms and airfare abroad just as much as it does to bloody backrooms and rusty equipment nearer to home. Schaefer also suggested shareholders might be able to sue the banking giant because it’s “a per se breach of fiduciary duty to use corporate resources for illegal acts.”

WHO Demands Allowing Abortion through Ninth Months

In this short piece, Wesley J. Smith comments on the World Health Organizations (WHO) brutal abortion demands.

There can no longer be any doubt: The international public-health establishment has gone absolutist on allowing abortion at any time, for any reason, without restrictions of any kind.

Specifically, the WHO has issued new guidelines that demand countries legalize abortion without any gestational time limit.

That isn’t all. The WHO also wants to curtail medical conscience rights and permit sex-selection abortion. Specifically, the organization wants to:

  • Allow abortion under all circumstances – ruling out laws banning terminations because the foetus is the ‘wrong’ sex;
  • Stop women requiring approval from a doctor or nurse to have a termination;
  • Roll out ‘pills by post’ schemes so that women can be sent abortion medication after a phone call;
  • Curtail medical professionals’ rights to refuse to take part in abortions on conscience grounds.

The WHO has forgotten that the entire world does not share the moral and policy perspectives of progressive Americans, Western European elites, and the odious CCP. In this sense, these so-called leaders are trying to impose policies on the world that I wager the majority of the people it supposedly serves do not find moral or right.


May God bless and strengthen you to stand firm to support life from conception to natural death.



2 thoughts on “Culture of Death – Weekly Update”

  1. Pingback: SLED Test Defense of the Unborn : Faith Seeking Understanding

  2. Pingback: Culture of Death - Weekly News : Faith Seeking Understanding

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