China's Human Rights Violations

China’s Human Rights Violations

I previously posted about China’s Human Rights Violations in The Genocide Olympics and Why We Won’t be Watching the Beijing Olympics. In this post, I will dig deeper into the atrocities carried out by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the de facto government of China. And why the United States and the rest of the world turn a deaf ear to the facts?

Why the World Ignores China’s Human Rights Violations

The world focuses on Russia’s abuses in Ukraine. No doubt Putin has ordered his troops to commit atrocities and war crimes against civilians. We should not ignore this, but for too long, the world hears no evil, sees no evil, and says little about the evil of Chinese human rights violations.

China's Human Rights Violations
Photo by Kuzzat Altay on Unsplash

Why does the world turn a blind eye, a deaf ear to China’s actions?

It’s all about the money!

China produces more than a third of the world’s GDP

The Chinese are arguably the world’s leader in manufacturing

It is the largest market for what the United States and other nations produce and sell

What does this mean? Cutting off trade with China would be economically painful for the U.S. Why do you think Coca Cola spent so much money to sponsor the genocide Olympics? Simply because China is the place, they can sell the most of their products.

Then there are all the products Americans buy made in China. I only need to mention Apple’s iPhone. Apple makes every iPhone in China and for Apple, this means lower costs and higher profits. In only the 4th quarter of 2021 Apple sold 84 million iPhones.

It’s estimated that each iPhone sells at from 100% to 200% profit. If it manufactured them in the United States, that profit would be at least cut in half, likely even more.

Do you think Apple has any influence on our government?

So, what is a bit of genocide, forced abortion, organ trafficking, or the genesis of a worldwide pandemic when it comes to the money? Even Judas had a price.

The Long List of China’s Human Rights Violations 

I will begin this section with a bullet point list and add comments below.

  • Forced abortion, sterilization & population control
  • Genocide of the Uyghur Muslims of Western China
  • Religious persecution of the Falun Gong
  • Organ harvesting and trafficking’ (organ tourism
  • Persecution of Christians
  • The occupation of Tibet and cultural genocide
  • A “social credit” system & surveillance targeting all Chinese

China’s Human Rights Violations Exposed

Forced abortion, sterilization & population control

Fearing the consequences of a rapidly expanding population, China implemented a “One-Child” policy in 1980. This policy limited families to having only one child and was in effect until 2016, when the CCP grasped the negative fruits of this policy.

Under this plan, they butchered over 400 million children in abortions and by infanticide. To put this in perspective, the population of the United States is 330 million.

Many sought abortions voluntarily to avoid government penalties and persecution. Of course, they forced there many abortions on the mothers. And, if a child was born but not wanted, infanticide was the way to solve the problem.

But why infanticide? If you had no other children, why would you kill a newborn baby?

Perhaps the baby was born with some abnormality. If you can only have one child, would you want one who is not perfect? More likely, the victims of infanticide are female. The desire to have a male heir is strong in Chinese culture. Why keep the baby girl when you might have a boy?

Clearly, China’s human rights violations begin in the womb.

But China is now paying a price for allowing and encouraging this evil. In China today, there are approximately 35 million more young men than young females. Take a moment to think about what such an imbalance can do to a society. This is one reason the CCP rescinded the “One Child” policy.

Genocide of the Uyghur Muslims of Western China

China’s human rights violations began soon after the Communists took control of the government.

Since the 1950s, the CCP has persecuted the Uyghurs of Western China, a Muslim ethnic minority. Their only crime is that they are Muslim.

They have put more than a million innocent people in concentration camps to be tortured and used as slave labor. The Chinese regime has also murdered several hundred thousand in this genocidal effort.

Women raped, and gang raped. Women forced to have abortions and sterilized involuntarily. After all, when you want to eliminate the population, there are no wanted new births.

Torture is common, often applying electric shock with a variety of tools, including an electric prod inserted into the body of the victim.

Families separated, and they ship workers to serve as slave laborers in other parts of China.

Religious persecution of the Falun Gong

If you’ve attended a performance of Shen Yun or seen advertisements when they are coming to perform in your city, you have experienced the performing arts arm of the Falun Gong.

Falun Gong is a spiritual practice that originated in China in the early 1990s. The CCP’s persecution of the group began in 1999. Facing arrest and persecution, Falun Gong’s headquarters is now in Deer park, NY.

The CCP initially supported the practice, but by 1999 there were 70 million practitioners in China. As the practice grew in popularity, the CCP saw it as a threat to their power. Soon labeled the Falun Gong heretics and arrests began.

The party puts the Falun Gong I detention centers and forced labor camps where tortured and subjected to live organ harvesting. Thousands have died from abuse and tens of thousands have died to supply China’s organ transplant industry.

Organ harvesting and Trafficking

“Organ tourists” travel from all over the world to buy human organs from the CCP. To supply the demand for organs, China needs organ donors. But, the CCP doesn’t have to worry about finding voluntary donors.

The involuntary donors of the Falun Gong primarily supplied the demand for hearts, kidneys, livers, corneas, and other organs.

The average cost of an organ purchase is around $6,500, resulting in a tidy profit for the CCP.

As demand increases, the CCP is leveraging resources besides the Falun Gong. There is evidence that the Chinese also use Uyghur Muslims, Tibetans, and other prisoners for live organ harvesting.

Persecution of Christians

The CCP views Christianity as a threat.

The CCP destroys churches and removes crossed. They regularly arrest and imprison pastors. And the government bans Bibles and religious literature.

Persecution of Christians is ongoing and appears to be intensifying. From a recent report by Open Doors:

China’s growing Christian community currently stands at around 96.7 million–just under seven percent of the country’s total population. The church in China continues to enjoy strong growth; however, life for Christians is anything but straightforward. The policy of “Sinicizing” the church is implemented across the country, as the Communist Party relies strongly on Chinese cultural identity to stay in power and limits whatever it perceives as a threat to its control on society.

New restrictions on the internet, social media and non-governmental organizations, and 2018 regulations on religion are strictly applied and seriously limit freedom. Churches are being monitored and closed down, whether they are independent or part of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement.

And it’s not just the introduction of new laws that impinge on Christian activity, it’s also the stricter implementation of already existing laws, such as the ban on the online sale of Bibles. On a more local level, if a convert from Islam or Buddhism is discovered by their community and family, they are likely to face threats and physical harm–all in an effort to win them back. Spouses may be forced to divorce. Neighbours and the community may even report the practice of Christian activities to the authorities, who could take action to stop them….

Thousands of churches have been damaged or destroyed, some confiscated, in a campaign that has spread to almost every region of the country. Crosses have also been removed from churches. Meanwhile, laws on regulating religion, which were introduced in February 2018 and enhanced in February 2020, continue being rolled out in an increasing number of provinces.

There are reports that citizens are being financially rewarded for disclosing information on Christians and other minorities to the authorities. This reflects the determination of the Communist Party to exert its control over all areas of life.

The occupation of Tibet and Cultural Genocide

In 1949, the Chinese Communists invaded Tibet, a peaceful and primarily Buddhist nation. Not content with territorial gain, the Chinese have murdered over 1 million Tibetans, imprisoned thousands, and destroyed over 6,000 monasteries. Another example of China’s human rights violations.

China’s actions in Tibet over the past 50 years have created a climate of fear that still continues today – torture and imprisonment for peaceful protest, and economic plans that discriminate against Tibetans, threatening their unique identity. The PLA maintains a strong presence in Tibet and China’s military control is expected to increase with the 2006 opening of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Human rights conditions in Tibet remain dismal. Under the Chinese occupation, the Tibetan people are denied most rights guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights including the rights to self-determination, freedom of speech, assembly, movement, expression and travel. Signs of support for His Holiness the Dalai Lama are banned by the Chinese government.

A “Social Credit” System & Surveillance Targeting all Chinese

This stuff is right out of Orwell’s 1984.

The Chinese Communist Party has been constructing a moral ranking system for years that will monitor the behavior of its enormous population — and rank them all based on their “social credit.”

The “social credit system,” first announced in 2014, is “an important component part of the Socialist market economy system and the social governance system” and aims to reinforce the idea that “keeping trust is glorious and breaking trust is disgraceful,” according to a 2015 government document.

China has already started punishing people by restricting their travel, including banning them from flights.

Now, to enhance the scoring for this system, China is rapidly becoming a place where everyone is under constant surveillance, not surprising given China’s human rights violations.

I will let this article speak for itself.

Facial Recognition and Beyond: Journalist Ventures Inside China’s ‘Surveillance State’

Security cameras and facial recognition technology are on the rise in China. In 2018, People’s Daily, the media mouthpiece of China’s ruling Communist Party, claimed on English-language Twitter that the country’s facial recognition system was capable of scanning the faces of China’s 1.4 billion citizens in just one second.

German journalist Kai Strittmatter speaks fluent Mandarin and has studied China for more than 30 years. He says it’s not clear whether the Chinese government is capable of using facial recognition software in the way it claims. But he adds, on a certain level, the veracity of the claim isn’t important.

“It doesn’t even matter whether it’s true or not, as long as people believe it,” he says. “What the Communist Party is doing with all this high-tech surveillance technology now is they’re trying to internalize control. … Once you believe it’s true, it’s like you don’t even need the policemen at the corner anymore, because you’re becoming your own policeman.”

Strittmatter’s new book, We Have Been Harmonized: Life in China’s Surveillance State, examines the role of surveillance in China’s authoritarian state. He warns that Chinese President Xi Jinping, who came to power in 2012, has embraced an ideological rigidity unknown since the days of Mao Zedong.

“Most people I spoke to, even party members and people inside party institutions, they thought that maybe Xi Jinping would start with reforms more in the liberal kind of way,” Strittmatter says. “Everybody was completely surprised by how it turned out. … It’s really a new kind of regime and state that we haven’t seen before.”

Strittmatter says the Chinese state has amassed an astonishing amount of data about its citizens, which it uses to punish people for even minor deviations from expected norms.

“People sometimes ask me, ‘Do we need to fear China?’ “ Strittmatter says. “My answer really is, in the end, we don’t need to fear China. What we need to fear — if we need to fear anything — is actually ourselves. It’s our fatalism, our resignation. We need to get up and we need to fight for our values and for our system, because I do believe it’s still the best we’ve got.”

Some Final Thoughts 

I haven’t even touched on other Chinese atrocities that may have implications for human rights. For example, consider:

  • Destroying the democracy of Hong Kong
  • Continuing and more frequent threats against Taiwan
  • Illegal militarization of the South China Sea
  • Creating and covering up Covid-19

Human rights are God given. God made all humans in His image and we are all children of God and therefore the recipients of these rights, whether they recognize this truth.

The government of China, the CCP, is godless and wants their entire nation to reject God. As Dostoevsky wrote, if there is no God, everything is permissible. This is the stage in which China perpetrates its attack on human rights.

Reviewing these abuses also provides a warning for us. Consider some similarities between China’s human rights violations and rising threats to freedom in our nation.

  • Abortion is our genocide. We have murdered more than 63 million unborn children in the womb since Roe v. Wade.
  • Over one state has passed or considering laws that effectively legalize infanticide.
  • Social credit system. The Biden administration is tracking those who resist vaccine mandates. The Department of Justice considers parents who demand a say in their children’s education as potential “domestic” terrorists.
  • Surveillance: What does the NSA know about you? It might surprise you. Can they track your cell phone? Yes. How safe are you online?
Food for thought.


References Consulted

The World Rages at Russia’s Evil Actions—but Shrugs at China’s

Olympic Medals Don’t Matter to the 400 Million Children China Killed in Population Control

Chinese Pastor Blacklisted by Communist Party Warns Church: ‘Don’t Be Fooled’ by Lies of State-Sponsored Church

Christian Activist Zhang Zhan | Persecution

OHCHR | China: UN Human Rights Experts Alarmed by ‘Organ Harvesting’ Allegations

Truth About Persecution Must Be Told During Beijing Olympics, Say Christian Groups

With All Eyes on the Olympics, China Threatens House Churches

The Chinese Communist Party’s Disdain for Basic Human Rights 

Opinion: Olympic movement has sold its soul by not challenging China on human rights abuses

More Proof of China Uyghur Atrocities

Forced Organ Harvesting: “One of the worst mass atrocities of this century”

Please Do Not Watch the Olympics

A “social credit” system & surveillance targeting all Chinese

Facial Recognition And Beyond: Journalist Ventures Inside China’s ‘Surveillance State’

China in Tibet: a brutal occupation





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