culture war

Weekly Reading for Christian Culture Warriors

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Every week I will offer a curated selection of articles and posts of interest to Christians loving God with all their minds in a hostile society. Check out these links and learn.

Our Elective Monarchy

Biden’s vaccine mandate is the latest sign of the presidency becoming a monarchy.

House Democrats Pass Most Radical Pro-Abortion Bill Ever, Overturning Every Pro-Life Law Nationwide

“The U.S. House passed a radical pro-abortion bill Friday that would force states to legalize the killing of unborn babies in abortions without limits up to birth nation-wide.”

They Intend to Destroy America

“If you’re thinking that Biden’s policies are destroying America, you’re right. And the worst part is that this is exactly what Democrats want.”

Google Finds Innovative New Method of Exploitation

“After a four-month runtime on the internet, Google has banned all of Live Action’s advertisements about the abortion pill reversal treatment. Promotions for the pro-life advocacy group’s Baby Olivia project, which provides a “medically accurate, animated glimpse of human life from the moment of fertilization,” were also temporarily blocked and later reinstated after complaints. Google’s attempt at censoring Live Action is sadly unsurprising given the tendency of Big Tech companies to cater to the whims of the abortion lobby. It demonstrates Google’s commitment to exploiting the vulnerable by any means necessary.”

The End of Democracy? The Judicial Usurpation of Politics

The title says enough.

What the Right Needs Now Is the Courage to Fight Even if It Costs Us

“Today, everyday Americans are being bullied by a hard-left minority that unfortunately has taken over and controls most of the agenda-setting institutions in our country. As someone who works in the media space, I know what it is like to be a lonely voice taking on many of these powerful people.”

Biden Administration Boosts Transgender Agenda to Kids

“U.S government dollars are hard at work pushing radical, experimental, and anti-science propaganda in opposition to the will of the people.”

Resentment and Her Children: The Emotional Heart of Critical Theory

“However, more recently, or perhaps this is a component of any social theory that becomes ‘popularized,’ critical race theories have taken a significant turn toward tapping into one of the most corrosive of human emotions.

Abortion and Our Liberal Democracy

“The bill passed the House mainly along party lines, 218-211, with one Democrat voting with Republicans. The vote was largely symbolic as the bill is unlikely to advance in the Senate, where 10 Republicans and all Democrats would need to back the bill in order to meet the 60-vote threshold.”

The Death of God and the Death of Higher Education

“As colleges and universities become increasingly consumed by identity politics and social justice ideology, higher education is disintegrating. True education is being eclipsed by political movements hell-bent on destroying the very institution that made higher education possible.”

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