Culture War

Culture War Digest

Culture War
(Image by Guy D. Rubsamen on Flickr)

As the culture war intensifies, this digest of articles, essays and posts from the internet will help keep you informed about developments in the ongoing culture war. Read those you find most helpful and interesting.

Minneapolis school district to host gender clinic director who says 3-year-olds can be ‘transgender’

Minnesota continues to expand the transgender agenda. This time it is the Minneapolis school district overtly grooming children and brainwashing their parents.

Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) is planning to host a family event featuring a drag story hour, and a talk given by the director of a pediatric gender clinic who has previously claimed that children as young as three years old are able to “identify” as “transgender.”

A “gender resource fair” is scheduled for Thursday, April 13, at Loring Elementary School. The Minneapolis school district advertises the event as “a gathering for families and their gender creative young ones.”

Dr. Angela Kade Goepferd, director of the “gender health program” at Children’s Minnesota hospital, will be featured as a guest speaker pushing gender ideology and “transition” procedures for gender confusion on the parents in attendance. Meanwhile, their children will be exposed to a drag queen story hour.

Catholic University to Host Lecture by Lesbian Professor on ‘Ending White Christian America’

You know we are in a culture war when an 181-year-old, respected Catholic university whose motto is “Truth, Unity, Love,” promotes wokeness and critical theory. Alas, I was once a proud alum of Villanova, now I am ashamed of my alma mater.

Villanova University near Philadelphia is set to host a lecture by a Black lesbian LGBT activist on “the end of white Christian America.”

Naomi Washington-Leapheart, an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, is scheduled to speak at the Flavey Library on Wednesday, March 29, from noon to 1:30 p.m. The school’s Center for Peace and Justice Education and the Theology and Religious Studies department are co-sponsoring the talk.

A promotional flyer for the event, which is titled “A Womanist Path to Ending White Christian America,” claims that the “murders” of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and other African Americans are the consequences of a “white supremacist system,” one that is “grounded in Christian history, texts, ideas, and institutions.”

Vermont Becomes Second State to Legalize Assisted Suicide Tourism

If your state hasn’t yet jumped on the assisted suicide bandwagon, no worries. You now have a state on each coast that will welcome your assisted suicide tourist dollars. Vermont has joined Oregon in making it easy for non-residents to die in their state.

Removing the residency requirement in Oregon and Vermont permits every American to die by assisted suicide and turns Oregon and Vermont into suicide tourist states. The assisted suicide lobby knows that many states will not legalize assisted suicide, so they are forcing states that have legalized assisted suicide to provide death to every American who is seeking one.

Silicon Valley Bank Doubled Down on Far-Left Policies Despite Hundreds of Millions in Losses

The failure, and bailout, of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is big news and reported on by all media outlets. However, few have reported that SVB was more focused on far-left woke policies than banking. And SVB gave over 80-million dollars to Black Lives Matter and other leftist / Marxist organizations.

In the aftermath of the catastrophic collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), new details have emerged revealing just how much the bank continued to double down on far-left “diversity” policies despite previously suffering losses to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Maryland Teacher Brags About Loving ‘Communism’ and ‘Indoctrinating’ Students in TikTok Rant

I know many excellent teachers in our public schools who truly care about the children they teach. I’m sure most public school teachers would be disgusted by her comments.

However, while an extreme example (I hope), Rebeca Rothstein represents the thinking of many Woke teachers and administrators.

A radical teacher in Maryland is under scrutiny after being caught on social media openly bragging about her desire to “indoctrinate” students into socialism and other far-left causes.

Fox News reported that self-described “proud as f*** to be liberal” Rebeca Rothstein of North Bethesda Middle School had an active TikTok presence until her postings caught the attention of conservative media, prompting her to deactivate her account. But material captured before that reveals a lengthy record of statements expressing a passion for mixing education with activism, including boasting about giving students “Marxist literature” and quipping that she was “tired after a long day of indoctrinating students.”

Culture War Related Reading
MN Lt. Governor: Transing Kids Is ‘What It Means to Be a Good Parent’
SVB Went Woke, Then Broke, Then Got a Bailout
More States Are Looking to Legalize Killing People in Assisted Suicide
Democrats Demand Walmart, Costco, Albertsons and Kroger Sell Abortion Pills That Kill Babies
Nancy Pelosi Rejects Archbishop’s Call to Repent for Supporting Abortion: “His Problem, Not Mine”
Classrooms Gone Woke & Wild


 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4–7 ESV)


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