Abortion After Roe

The Pro-Life Task after Roe

The Pro-Lif Task After Roe
Photo Credit: Jill Suave on Unsplash

“What is the pro-life task after Roe?” With the likelihood that the Supreme Court will strike down Roe v. Wade, is our task over? Can pro-lifers bask in this victory, sit back, and relax? The simple answer is No! Much still needs to be done.

Matthew Lee Anderson recently wrote,

The occasion calls not just simply for celebration—or, perhaps better, it is celebration mixed with a realistic appraisal of the road ahead. For the goal was not, nor could it ever be, simply the reversal of Roe and Casey, nor was it, nor could it ever be, even simply the reform of our legal regime. The goal is, and ever should be, the creation of a social, political, economic, and legal order in which every human life is, as Richard John Neuhaus used to say, “protected in law and welcomed in life.” Achieving that goal will be very difficult, more difficult indeed than “merely” getting unjust legal decisions reversed.

A recent post from Table Talk Magazine reminds us that the pro-life movement is over 2,000 years old.

Taking our stand for life wasn’t first thrust upon us by the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, and we are not relieved of that duty by its now likely overturning this year. The pro-life movement is not a recent phenomenon or innovation. Rather, it is two thousand years old. It was inaugurated on an old rugged cross, on a hill called Calvary. It is best known as Christianity. Caring for the helpless, the deprived, and the unwanted is not simply what we do; it is who we are. It always has been. It always will be.

From that same post:

So, after Roe, what’s our job now? It is the same as always: we must be gospel advocates of all that is right and good and true. We must care for the poor, the hurting, and the marginalized. We must speak the truth in love. We must remind our magistrates of their responsibilities. We must disciple. We must be unflinching in the proclamation of the good news, which changes everything. Our intercessions and labors must be unceasing.

The Pro-Life Task After Roe: Legislative Front

So, what will the pro-life task after Roe look like? Why will we need to continue to fight to save the lives of unborn children?

First, overturning Roe will not end all legal abortion in the United States. In doing so, the Court will return whether to permit abortion to the states. Recent data suggests at least 26 and as many as 31 states will not permit legal abortion. So, at least 24 states will allow abortions.

Therefore, want an abortion. Simply travel to one of the abortion-tourism sites in California, New York, Colorado, and other states.

Can’t afford to travel to your abortion vacation. If you work for the right company, your employer will pay for your trip to kill your baby. These companies include Tesla, Amazon, Citigroup, Apple, and Levi Strauss.

Second, expect the pro-abortion, Democrat controlled congress to try to codify abortion rights. They have already tried this in the Senate and failed. However, they could try again, or “good” Catholic Joe Biden might try to do something by executive order.

The Pro-Life Task After Roe: Pro-abortion Hearts & Minds

Pro-abortion supporters will not immediately change their minds. They will continue to push for killing babies and advocating laws legalizing abortion. And they will try to influence others to agree with their sick ideas. At the least, we must be vigilant and continue to counter their efforts. At best, we can try to change their hearts and minds.

Also, pro-abortion “Christians” and their denominations need to be exposed to the truth about abortion and led to repent of their sinful beliefs.

We can and should thank God for overturning Roe. But we need to continue to pray for hearts to be changed and abortion to be removed entirely from the USA.

The Pro-Life Task After Roe: Abortion Worldwide

Abortion will continue to be legal in many nations. Other countries will face attempts to legalize abortion. While we may not be able to directly influence the legislative process in other nations, we can support the pro-life forces in those countries. And we can pray for them.

The World Health Organization (WHO) not only supports but also encourages abortion on a global scale. Pro-lifers need to put pressure on our government to stop funding and working with this agency of the U.N.

Unfortunately, the Biden Administration in one of its “One World” spasms wants to cozy up to WHO.

The Pro-Life Task After Roe: Some Jurisdictions will Ignore and Defy the Court’s Ruling

This says enough:

The Wall Street Journal reports that Democratic district attorneys in Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, and San Francisco have vowed that they “won’t prosecute abortion providers or others, including those who assist a woman in obtaining the procedure.” The refusal to enforce the law is also being echoed by state attorneys general seeking reelection in Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as state AG candidates in Georgia and Arizona. This is nothing short of an assault on the rule of law. A new generation of Democrats is planning another campaign of massive resistance against civil rights.

Now we’ve reached the point where candidates who are running for law-enforcement offices are making explicit pledges on which laws they will and won’t decide to prosecute if elected. It’s difficult to see how this really squares with all the media rhetoric about Democrats being the only party interested in preserving norms.

What’s happening here is pretty clear. For many decades, when liberals couldn’t get what they wanted passed through the legislative process, they would turn to the courts. This is central to the sinister legacy of Roe. But now that they are losing their stranglehold on the courts, they are turning to prosecutors to impose their policy preferences.

The Pro-Life Task After Roe: More Work to be Done

First, women facing unexpected pregnancies will always need our support, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

Second, abortion is not the only battle we face in the culture of death. We have an ever-increasing fight on our hands with the forces advocating assisted suicide and euthanasia.

The pro-Life Task After Roe: What We Can & Must Do

First, pray. I list prayer first because without enlisting God’s support in the pro-life battle, our efforts are futile.

What to pray for:

The total eradication of elective abortion from our nation and the world.

Women with unexpected pregnancies. For their well-being and that they have the support they need.

Crises pregnancy centers and other organizations that care for women.

Political and other leaders who advocate for elective abortion come to recognize the intrinsic value of the unborn child and have changed hearts and minds. Specifically, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Alexis McGill Johnson (President & CEO of Planned Parenthood).

Second, crisis pregnancy centers will need our support more than ever before. Support them financially and as volunteers.

Third, pro-life churches need to be in the forefront. This means our pulpits need to ring out with practical, pastoral, and prophetic urgency like never before.

Pastors and church leaders must not shy away from addressing these difficult topics. Rather, a gentle and regular cascade of truth wrapped in love and compassionate support must be the anthem of every church. When we refuse to discuss abortion, unplanned pregnancy, and the hard choices surrounding each, it fosters a fear of judgment and rejection in the hearts of mothers and fathers.

Fourth, we need to learn how to make the church the safest place for a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.

For example, this may include identifying local organizations that help women and families and partnering with them. Women in the church could serve as mentors for new mothers, and men for new fathers.

 Our Work is Just Beginning


11 Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. 12 If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done? (Proverbs 24:11–12 ESV)

 Related Reading:


Pro-Lifers Represent a Movement for Justice, Not Hate


Dr. Ben Carson: Unborn Babies Are Human Beings Because “Life Begins at the Moment of Conception”


They Say Black Lives Matter but 74% of Abortions in Mississippi Killed Black Babies


Should Religion Influence Abortion Policy?


The Abortion Insurrection


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