Good News

Culture War: This Week’s Readings for Christians    

Weekly Reading for Christian Culture Warriors   

Every week, I offer a curated selection of articles and posts of interest to Christians living in a hostile world. I hope to provide you with information that helps you stand firm in the faith. Here are this week’s recommended reading on the culture war.

Culture War: Recommended Reading
(Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash)

As the culture war heats, I had more material than usual to choose from. Because of this, I will list more additional articles to check out than usual.

Persecution: The New Reality for Biblical Christianity in America

If you worry about the future of Christianity in America, this is essay is a must read! Religious persecution will become our reality as the culture war intensifies.

American Christians, who desire to live godly, conservative, biblically-oriented lives, need to prepare themselves and their families for suffering. The writing has been on the wall for some time, decades even, yet the church has done little to stop it. Instead, like a row of dominoes, she has fallen over on issue after issue. The church has watched while influential institutions and religious leaders denied the miracles of Jesus, rejected the inerrancy of scripture, allowed for abortifacient birth control methods, legalized abortion, endorsed gay marriage, and even embraced critical race theory. Additionally, we have witnessed far too many “celebrity pastors” commit moral failures through affairs and sexual abuse.

The Vaccine Passport Pathway to a Social Credit System

I am vaccinated and boosted against Covid and encourage everyone to do the same. However, as this article shows, so-called vaccine passports are a step toward Orwellian control systems. I vote no! What about you? Mor evidence of the growing culture war.

Simply put the vaccine programs are really population control programs, because by pushing vaccines the elites are pushing vaccine passports which are the first step to creating digital ID numbers on a software platform where every subject’s personal information will eventually end up. Control of information means control of the subjects.

The real-life model for this is the Chinese social credit system. This system is, through the totalitarian perspective, a brilliant combination of national digital identification numbers combined with high surveillance technology all controlled by advanced artificial intelligence. Each Chinese subject is branded with a digital number and the surveillance state can follow his employment, medical, criminal, and schooling records, his online browsing records, his voiced political views, and even the places he visits through GPS positioning technology.

Counting It Joy: A Christian’s Response to Another Year of the Pandemic

Do you think these many months of restrictions surrounding Covid are a bummer? This essay expresses a Christian response to the trials of these days.

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (James 1:2-3)

Yet, in the face of a new year sure to be full of disease, political tension, social unrest, and a wavering global economy, I choose to have joy.

Over 500,000 People Join GETTR in 48 Hours After [ [twitter]] Suspends More Conservatives –

Looking for an alternative to Twitter, or a platform where your traditional and conservative views will not be blocked arbitrarily? This is an alternative we need as we fight the culture war. Then, go to and follow me at FWSzarejko@FWSzarejko

That action has prompted a flood of conservatives to either leave [[twitter]] entire or create secondary accounts at GETTR, a conservative social media site that operates almost identically.

Are Transgender People Fixing God’s Mistakes?

This post by Alan Shlemon refutes the transgender idea that God makes mistakes in creating some male that should be female and vice versa.

The only hope for transgender individuals—and indeed for everyone—is not an external change, but an internal change. It’s not about a transformation of their body, but a transformation of their soul. Only the Great Physician can do that.

Belgium Is Euthanizing People Just Because They Have Mental Health Problems –

Do not be mistaken and think this is only a European phenomenon. There are many in the United States who would support the same murderous agenda.

Precedents Are No Obstacle to Overturning Roe v. Wade

This year the Supreme Court will rule on the constitutionally of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision. In this article, respected legal scholar Robert George and ethicist Christopher Kaczor make the case that legal precedents are not an obstacle to overturning Roe.

In Roe v. Wade seven members of the Supreme Court of the United States imposed their moral belief that women have a right to abortion on the American people. Most jurists and constitutional scholars recognize that the decision lacked any basis in the text, logic, structure or original understanding of the Constitution.

Today the Supreme Court is on the verge of overturning these cases. After all, why stick with a constitutionally unjustified ruling? The answer proposed by supporters of Roe and Casey is that precedent (stare decisis) requires it.

Police State? Genocide? Could It Happen Here?

This is a well-written warning we all need to pay attention to. Never has our nation been closer to the exercise of absolute power.

It starts out small. It starts out where it’s starting now. For these reasons, people should prepare themselves for what’s likely to come in the not so distant future. Freedom of speech, religious liberty, the right to own property, and the right to bear arms; these precious liberties may soon be gone or severely limited in the near future.

An example of the beginning:

While what did happen in Seattle, Portland, and other American cities in 2020 started because of George Floyd’s death and primarily involved challenging racism and police brutality, it quickly escalated and evolved into so much more. One of the primary leaders of this movement referred to herself as a “trained Marxist.” Another activist tweeted, “Tear them down,” referring to statues of Jesus and Christian churches. In 2020, BLM rioters burned a Bible and American flags in Portland and decapitated a statue of Jesus in Miami.

Revising the First and Second Amendments

This essay is a must read. As a representative of cancel culture, this law professor believes we must revise the Constitution to suit the times, beginning with the first two amendments. She is not alone.

As part of a series from the Boston Globe entitled Editing the Constitution containing many other suggested changes, Mary Anne Franks, law professor at the University of Miami, is proposing a rewrite of the first and second amendments to the Bill of Rights. In her article entitled Redo the First Two Amendments, she says that since speech and guns are such contentious issues today, we need to “edit’ the Constitution so as to make the current guarantees less individualistic and less flawed in their conceptualization of what rights are.

Finnish Bishop and Politician Face Trial for LGBT Statements

This may happen in Finland but may soon become a reality in the United States. Be warned.

“I confess the God given dignity, value and human rights of those who identify themselves as homosexuals but at the same time call homosexual acts sinful and in discordance with the created order and the will of God as found in the Bible,” Pohjola said. “We are all called to live according the good order of creation. According to the Christian view sexual life is meant to be in the confines of marriage between one man and one woman.”

“Being criminally charged for voicing my deeply held beliefs in a country that has such deep roots in freedom of speech and religion feels unreal,” she told CT. “I do not see I would have in any way defamed homosexuals whose human dignity and human rights I have constantly said to respect and defend.”


Some Additional Articles to Consider 

I’m a Nicene Christian–CultureWatch
Religious Freedom Can Teach Us About Strengthening American Democracy – InsideSources


Over 400 Million Christians Live in ‘Lands of Persecution’: Human Rights Activist


‘Conversion Therapy’ Ban Will Soon Go Into Effect in Canada


The Four Horsemen of the Left’s Artificial Apocalypse


Joe Biden’s Nominee for Federal Appeals Court Called Pro-Life Organizations “Hate Groups” –


Tyranny in the Name of Climate Change


10 Ways the Enemy Attacks Church Leaders | Church


Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2021, Killing 42.6 Million People –


7 Blessings of the Pandemic


This Week’s Book to Read (see more).



Please comment and let me know which of these articles was most beneficial to you.

May you have a blessed, productive, and peaceful week.

1 thought on “Culture War: This Week’s Readings for Christians    ”

  1. Pingback: The Culture War is Real—Must Reads : Faith Seeking Understanding

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