Biden Nominates Pro-Abortion Advocate as Papal Ambassador: Today’s Read

 May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you this day.

Worth reading from Haley Strack at the Federalist.

Biden Nominates Worst Catholic Democrat (After Himself) As Papal Ambassador

Thanks to our token “devout” President Joe Biden, former Indiana Sen. and Planned Parenthood advocate Joe Donnelly could represent America’s Catholic faithful as the U.S. ambassador to the Roman Catholic pope. Self-proclaimed Roman Catholic Donnelly is about as faithful as Biden himself. That is to say, not at all.

Throughout his presidency, Biden has presented a mirage of faith to Catholic voters who expect America’s second Catholic president to have their interests in mind. He doesn’t — and Donnelly’s appointment confirms that.

(Photo by Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash)
You Can’t Make this Stuff Up.

Do Joe Biden and his advisors believe they can influence Roman Catholic teaching on abortion by appointing a Papal Ambassador who “who can’t even decide if babies’ limbs should be ripped from them in the womb.”

The only thing Joe got right with this appointment is that Donnelly calls himself a Roman Catholic, just like pro-abortion Joe.

Common sense tells us that an ambassador to a foreign nation (the Vatican Papal States are just that) would be someone sensitive to the culture and beliefs of the people he or she was engaging.

If Pope Francis wants to teach Joe a lesson about Catholic values, this is his opportunity. He can refuse to accept this nominee. Unfortunately, I don’t think this Pope is strong enough to do it.

(I only disagree with Haley Strack on one point. Nancy Pelosi is the worst Catholic Democrat after Biden.)

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