Good News

The Culture War is Real—Must Reads

The Culture War is Real
(Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash)


Every week, I offer a curated selection of articles and posts of interest to Christians living in a hostile world. The culture war is real, and I want to provide you with information that helps you stand firm in the faith as the culture war rages around us.

Biden Isn’t Even Hiding Designation of Americans as ‘Domestic Terrorists’

This is a sad commentary on the state of our nation under the current, leftist dominated administration. Under Biden’s definition of domestic terrorist, my pastors, many friends, family members, and myself qualify. But we are all law-abiding citizens of our nation. Our only “crime” is disagreement with the cultural elite.

The real danger to our republic is the Joe Biden administration’s totalitarian effort to label millions of ordinary Americans as supporters of terrorists.

The Criminalization of Christianity

The FBI’s Broken Relationship With Us

The once venerable and respected FBI is rapidly losing credibility. I have a good friend, a retired FBI agent, and he finds our “new” FBI to be a disgraceful parody of the righteous institution he once pledged his loyalty to.

But something fundamentally changed in the last five years. The Comey clown car arrived in the center ring and unloaded under the spotlight. As the public watched the comedy of James “The Cardinal” Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page, searching for phantom Russian colluders under the bed, while actual Russian colluders cheered them on, we knew we needed to take a closer look. The examination has been shocking.

Bioethicist Says Abortion Is the Root Cause of Today’s Social Problems –

Abortion is the ultimate lack of respect for human life. There is no doubt that the Roe v. Wade decision ushered in a culture of death. In the culture of death, the sanctity of human life is not considered. Assisted suicide, euthanasia, and abortion are not the only result. The disrespect for human life boils over into every-day life and contributes to our nation’s rising number of murders.

Steven Bozza also blamed the ubiquity of abortion for many of modern society’s problems.

He said: “Think of the social problems we see in the news every day – violence, people killing each other. It boils down to a disrespect for human life. You’re not respecting human life in the womb. What makes you think you’ll respect it on the street?”

 Primal Screams


Church as Where You Take Your Stand – The American Conservative

The signs of the times are clear. Christianity and its beliefs are under attack by a hostile culture. We are already seeing the beginning of persecution for our beliefs.

When your faith comes under attack, where will you be able to find support to stand firm?

This article will help you think about how to prepare.

Will you be in the right church when persecution comes?

I would like to hear from readers of any Christian church, and from Jewish and Islamic readers, about whether 1) you think it is necessary now to find a “safe place of worship” to make your and your family’s stand as believers, and if so, 2) what have you done about it?

 It’s Dangerous to Believe


Supreme Court Must Determine Religious Voices Deserve a Place in the Public Square, Experts Say

While this case has received little publicity, it has the potential to either support or eliminate free religious speech in the public square.

On Tuesday (Jan. 18), the Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral arguments in Shurtleff v. Boston, a case that asks the court to hold that government officials may not exclude religious expression from the public square. At issue is whether the city of Boston can exclude a community group from flying its flag in front of Boston City Hall because the flag features a Latin cross.

The Age of Intolerance: Cancel Culture’s War on Free Speech

Cancel culture seeks to quash any speech that disagrees with the agenda of the progressive left. For everyone who cares about this fundamental freedom, regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, please take the time to read and understand this article.

Cancel culture—political correctness amped up on steroids, the self-righteousness of a narcissistic age, and a mass-marketed pseudo-morality that is little more than fascism disguised as tolerance—has shifted us into an Age of Intolerance, policed by techno-censors, social media bullies, and government watchdogs.

Everything is now fair game for censorship if it can be construed as hateful, hurtful, bigoted or offensive provided that it runs counter to the established viewpoint.

In this way, the most controversial issues of our day—race, religion, sex, sexuality, politics, science, health, government corruption, police brutality, etc.—have become battlegrounds for those who claim to believe in freedom of speech but only when it favors the views and positions, they support.

The False Philosophy of Cancel Culture

If you want to understand what the cancel culture is and what it means for Christians like you and I, this is a must read.

It used to be that when people differed on important issues, they engaged the ideas with facts and reasons. Those days are over. Welcome to the cancel culture. To cancel someone means to silence them. It means to use power to deplatform them, to demonetize them, or even to get them fired from their jobs because their views are politically incorrect. Notice, it’s not just the ideas that get canceled and discarded, though; the person gets canceled and discarded, too.

Put simply, cancel culture is a culture of bullying. What starts with a difference of ideas ends with a willful public destruction of other human beings. Those who claimed to be the ones bullied have now become the bullies themselves, all because of a shift of power.

Canceling Christianity


Have Freedom of Speech and Religion Fallen Out of Fashion?

Another warning that our freedoms are under attack.

There is no denying that the pandemic has strained economic and emotional freedom. Many people are wanting. Many are fearful. As for the other two freedoms — freedom of speech and the freedom to worship God — the situation is dire.

Faith-based groups and people are now facing unprecedented pressure to conform to expanded anti-discrimination policies as a precondition for serving the common good. (View Highlight)

Leftist Supreme Court Justices Abandoned the Law and Made-Up Facts

This is a sad commentary on some of our Supreme Court justices. Makes me wonder how they got to the Bench at all. Worries me about their competence to make future key rulings. Please pray for our Supreme Court justices.

In Supreme Court arguments on the OSHA COVID Vaccination Mandate case, the “Wise Latina” revealed at least Sixth Degree Stupidity for all to see. One should not casually suggest that a graduate of law school who has ascended through the ranks to the highest Court in the land is stupid. But that is the inescapable conclusion her performance requires. For those who missed the demonstration of her upward failure, we must present the details. But first, we must look at the question the Supreme Court is supposedly trying to address.

The Wise Latina was not alone. Justices Kagan and Breyer were equally adrift in the storm of panic porn unleashed on America by the Dark Lord of Disease, Anthony Fauci. They are suffering from the same mass formation psychosis

These three alleged jurists could not contain themselves in presenting egregious lies about the prevalence and severity of COVID-19. In doing so they perverted the judicial process in ways that could not be remedied short of immediate factual rejoinders. Unfortunately, counsel for the plaintiffs in the case were unprepared for questions of fact and left great edifices of insanity standing without being challenged. The first Justice appointed solely to satisfy “equity” rules for “race” and gender stated as fact, “Hospitals are almost at full capacity.” “Over 100,000 children are hospitalized with COVID…. Many are on ventilators.”

If true, one in nine hospital beds in the US would have a COVID-ill child in it. But she overstated the number of hospitalized children by a factor of fifty because there are only about four thousand kids in the Krankenhaus with positive Wuhan Flu tests.


Some Additional Articles to Consider 

Please comment and let me know which of these articles was most beneficial to you.

May you have a blessed, productive, and peaceful week.

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