culture of death

Are we in a Culture War? Just Ask Virginia’s New Governor.

 Virginia Shows Republicans’ Big Tent Is The Culture War


Tuesday’s election results in Virginia were more than a victory. They were also a signal to the radical agenda of the left. Cultural elites and big-tech puppet masters can’t bully Americans.

Also, the results are a lesson to those who would defeat today’s radicals-in-power.

Culture warThat lesson is that we are, in fact, engaged in a culture war. And the way to defeat those who push critical race theory, force feed us the LBGTQ agenda, champion the radical indoctrination of our children in public schools, and clamor for a socialist state, is to stand firm against them.

How do we stand firm? We do it by doing what Glenn Youngkin did to win governor’s race in Virginia.

Commentary from the Federalist

And that’s the subject of Inez Feltscher Stepman’s commentary at The Federalist, Virginia Shows Republicans’ Big Tent Is The Culture War

Instead of following the usual Republican strategy of staying away from cultural issues and focusing on taxation and deregulation, Youngkin engaged in the culture war brought by the radical left.

That conventional wisdom was probably always bunk, but yesterday it was dealt a death blow in Virginia, where Republican Glenn Youngkin rode to victory over Democrat Terry McAuliffe, in a state that went for Joe Biden by ten points, largely by focusing on critical race theory and radical indoctrination in public schools. Virginia is a state, moreover, with a heavily college-educated, suburban, managerial class-wealthy voting population—exactly the kind of voters thought lost to the GOP forever.

[Youngkin] made a campaign centerpiece out of pushing back on Democrats’ increasing cultural radicalism. Trump may have broken the ice on putting the culture war front and center, but the Virginia race is showing the popularity of that focus isn’t limited to the hardcore Trump right. Running against critical race theory, gender ideology, indoctrination in schools and other cultural hot button issues actually brings in moderates and even Democrats who may disagree on other issues, like government health care or taxes.

A Broader Victory

The Republican victory didn’t stop at the Governor’s race in this blue state Biden won by 10 points. Republicans also won both the Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General races. Notably, Winsome Sears will be the first Black woman to be elected to statewide office in Virginia. Only ten Black women have ever held statewide office in the United States.

Also, according to the Washington Post, “Republicans ended Democratic control of Virginia’s House of Delegates in Tuesday’s elections, winning enough seats to achieve at least a 50-50 tie in the chamber and sitting on the verge of retaking the majority with several races still too close to call.”

Is the Culture War Real?

Despite former President Obama’s rant slamming a phony culture war when campaigning in Virginia, Youngkin’s victory, a win because of the firm stand he took against the radical agenda, says otherwise.

And we now have a model strategy to win this war. Stand firm for the values that made America the great nation it is.

Read the article to learn more.

An Example

We often read and hear about the bigger issues of the culture war (unless we only listen to mainstream media). I want to share an example of the insidious ways the war is being waged.

Yesterday I was listening to a Lutheran (LCMS) pastor discussing his recent book. His church pre-school gets many of their books from Scholastic. Included in their recent order, Scholastic generously included several free books. One problem. The free books expose children to the LBGTQ lifestyle.

Yes, President Obama, the culture war is real!

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Are we in a Culture War? Just Ask Virginia’s New Governor. Read More »