Culture War

The War on Children 1

Every day, I sift through several hundred articles, essays, and blog posts looking for topics of concern and interest. Seldom does a day pass that I don’t find material related to the War on Children.

War on Children
Pixabay License

We can connect many culture war fronts to the War on Children. The LGBTQ agenda including grooming and transgender activism; education wars, including Critical Race Theory, the false history of the 1619 Project, leftist teachers, and parental rights; and the sexualization of our children, including pedophilia.

This should concern everyone and especially parents and grandparents.

In this essay, I will overview the War on Children. Following posts in this series will dive more deeply into battlefronts of this war. In the Related Reading section, you will find examples supporting the points I make in this overview.

When did the War on Children Begin? 

The simple answer is that Satan has always been about destroying children and the family. The War on Children began when human history began. Let’s consider some examples of how children have been preyed upon throughout history.

In the third chapter of Genesis, we read of how Satan, as a serpent, tempted and deceived Eve, leading her to further deceive Adam. This is the Devil’s first attack on the family, leading both Eve and Adam into sin. The Evil One soon followed up with the first skirmish in the War on Children, sowing discord between the brothers Cain and Abel, leading to Cain’s murder of his brother.

While Cain and Abel were not young children at the time of the murder, they were the first children born of human parents. Clearly showing that no children are safe from the Devil and his minions.

The War on Children in Ancient Times 

First, in Leviticus, the Bible warns the Israelites against sacrificing their children to the false god, Molech. In antiquity, it was common for pagans to sacrifice their children, often their firstborn, to a pagan (demonic) deity. And the pagan Middle East was not the only place this was happening. We know of ritual sacrifices of children and adults in many cultures, including those of the Aztecs and Incas in the New World.

Second, in the Greek and Roman worlds, not all children were wanted, especially if they showed any defect or were not the male child the father desired. (Sounds a lot like the reasons abortion has murdered over 63 million unborn children in the United States.) While they practiced abortion, one didn’t know why the infant was defective until birth. So, rather than kill the baby outright, to assuage their guilt, the parents would abandon their unwanted offspring in a remote place. Sometimes others found and saved the children. (Read Oedipus Rex.) In fact, once Christianity took hold in the Roman empire, Christians saved and adopted many more abandoned infants.

Third, child prostitution, male and female, and pederasty were also common in the ancient world. Some were cult prostitutes serving at various pagan temples. Others were the slaves of the human traffickers of the day. Others were the young, usually boys, lovers of adult Greek and Roman men. Grooming, pedophilia, and the sexualization of children are not a new thing.

Fourth, they practiced abortion in many cultures during antiquity. Surely, not as medically sophisticated as today, it was still possible. (This calls to mind the efficacy of the “abortion pill” and the significant number of injuries and deaths it causes.) It is also important to note that abortion is not mentioned in the Bible. And there is a good reason for this. The Israelites did not practice abortion as many of their neighbors did. Therefore, there was no reason to address the practice in their Scriptures.

As the Israelites read and knew their Scriptures, they knew God as a God of life. They knew Him as the God Who created life and defended life from conception to natural death.

Finally, we come to the first century A.D. Soon after the birth of Jesus; we learn of one of the worst atrocities of the War on Children. Fearing for his own throne, Herod sent soldiers to Bethlehem to murder every child 2 years old and under. This ruler, like many before and after him, shows he doesn’t value the lives of children and cares not for their parents.

The War on Children in Modern Times 

First, while child labor has been around for centuries, the industrial revolution in Britain, then the United States and elsewhere, exposed it as an attack on children and families.

Second, the human trafficking of children is not new, but is now a worldwide problem. And some of the worst offenders of human trafficking are practicing their diabolical craft at our uncontrolled Southern Border.

Third, illegal drugs and more and more being brought into the U.S.A. through our porous Southern border thanks to the Biden administration.

Finally, I will address the sexualization of our children, leftist education and other current attacks in more detail in future posts in this series.

What is the War on Children?

I define the War on Children as those actions, trends, fetishes, fads, perversions, movements, and agendas that prey on our children from the time of conception in the womb until they become adults.

These attacks on our children seek to:

Control them sexually.

Rob them of their innocence.

Remove or at least distance them from the influence of parents, family, and church.

Conform them to radical, socialist, and Marxist thinking.

Mold them in the image of the radical elite of our culture.

Force them to violate conservative and religious principles to conform to the “world.”

Create future supporters and even leaders of a Marxist World Government.

With abortion, to deny some children, millions of children, the right to life. If we can’t murder them in the womb, we will make them ours seems to be the mindset of those who prey on our children.

Who are the Aggressors in the War on Children?

The radical left, those who want to remake Western culture in the image of Marxist Socialism. An essentially totalitarian state.

The Biden administration as it does the bidding of the radical left.

Public School systems, teachers’ unions, and many teachers (not all). In fact, many teachers are casualties in this war because they are moral, religious, conservative people.

Liberal universities and many of their educators.


Those with a perverted sexual agenda.

LGBTQ activists and supporters, including groomers

Advocates of same-sex marriage

Advocates of gender transitioning


Big Tech and much of the Media.

On What Battlefronts is the War on Children Engaged


Education Wars & Parental Rights.

Common Core

Woke schools and educators

Critical Race Theory

The 1619 project

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL


Gender transitioning

LGBTQ & Groomers

Same-sex marriage


The Sexual revolution and abortion

Other important battlefronts.


Conclusion: The War on Children is Real, and it is Dangerous

From the above, it should be clear that the War on Children is a genuine threat to our children we cannot ignore.

In the next post of this series, we will look more closely at the education wars and the usurping of parental rights.

Related Reading: 

Children at Risk: School Shooters and Other Dangers 5

The Battle for Our Children and Their Minds

WOKE Education and the Next Generation

Wisconsin School District’s Sex-Ed Program Goes All-In on Gender Fluidity

24 Maryland Middle School Assigns Book About Child Gender Transition, Asexuality, Drag Queens

The War Over Parental Rights Has Begun — Carl R. Trueman

5 Ways Democrat Policies Work to Destroy Children’s Lives

One Arrested Every Day Since January 1, 2022

A Request:

Please comment and let me know what you think about the War on Children.

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3–5 ESV).

1 thought on “The War on Children 1”

  1. Pingback: War on Children 2 : Faith Seeking Understanding

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