Culture War Wins

Culture War Wins!

Culture War Wins!

Culture War Wins
(Photo by Vanya on Pexels)


While the culture war is not abating, we have positive news to report in this selection of articles, essays, and posts. Despite continue attacks on Western culture and Christianity by the Left, the ruling elite, and the Woke crowd, the efforts of those fighting for traditional morality result in victories over the oppressors. Read the offerings that you find most interesting. It will strengthen your resolve to Stand Firm (cf. Ephesians 6:10-20).



New Mexico Governor Signs Law Shielding Doctors Who Refuse to Participate in Assisted Suicide

This is a big win in the culture war protecting the conscience rights of pro-life doctors in a state that allows assisted suicide.

New Mexico governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed a bill into law this week that gives doctors in the state the right to decline to participate in physician-assisted suicide if doing so is a violation of their conscience or religious beliefs.

Kansas Overrides Democrat Governor’s Veto of Law Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly is an M. D. so you would think she knows the differences between male and females regardless of what someone thinks they are. Obviously not, as she vetoed a bill designed to protect female athletes from competing with gender confused men.

But the Kansas legislature clearly understands the biological differences between male and female and overrode her veto for another win in the culture war!

Kansas lawmakers have formally overridden a veto by Democrat Gov. Laura Kelly of legislation to ban gender-confused individuals from participating in sex-specific athletic teams that conflict with their actual sex, ensuring the law will take effect.

HB 2238, the “Fairness in Women’s Sports” bill, requires interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, and club athletic teams to be designated according to biological sex and prohibits biological males from participating in teams intended for women and girls. Provisions of the bill would also apply to K-12 public schools as well as post-secondary institutions.

Attorney General of Missouri Imposes Emergency Order Limiting Gender-Affirming Treatments

My state’s attorney general also understands biology better than Laura Kelly. He also understands the damage caused by so-called gender-affirming care, a.k.a. child abuse.

Republican Andrew Bailey, Missouri’s attorney general, recently issued an emergency order on Thursday declaring that a state statute prohibiting particular medical procedures without adequate safeguards already makes gender-affirming medical therapy for transgender youngsters illegal.

Idaho’s Republican Governor Signs Ban on Transgender Mutilation of Children


Unlike Laura Kelly, some governors understand the dangers of submitting to the transgender agenda.

The governor of Idaho has signed into law a bill law prohibits so-called “gender transitions” for minors in his state.

On Tuesday, Republican Gov. Brad Little signed the Vulnerable Child Protection Act in a major victory for children and families, effectively banning the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilating surgeries in the name of “gender affirmation.”

“These experimental, irreversible, and medically unnecessary pharmaceutical and surgical interventions violate the Hippocratic oath, taken by physicians for millennia, to ‘do no harm’,” the bill states. “Therefore, the state of Idaho has a compelling government interest in protecting the health and safety of its minor children from such medical interventions for the purpose of attempting to affirm or change a child’s gender expression.”

‘Un-Woke’ School Board Candidates Win More Than 2 dozen Seats in Illinois, Wisconsin

More and more people are understanding the cost of allowing Woke sycophants on local school boards. This report is telling as the election results in dumping Woke candidates two liberal states.

An advocacy group supporting school board candidates opposed to teaching critical race theory and other progressive ideologies in public schools saw over two dozen of its endorsed candidates win their elections Tuesday.

The 1776 Project PAC reported on Twitter Wednesday that about 30 of its endorsed candidates emerged victorious in school board races in Wisconsin and Illinois the day before, earning a 46% success rate.

The political action committee is dedicated to electing school board members nationwide that seek to abolish critical race theory and The 1619 Project curriculum from public schools.

“Our PAC’s endorsed candidates won 24 school board elections in Wisconsin. That’s 24 new school board members that will defend parents’ rights and remove left-wing ideologies from the classroom,” the group tweeted.

 Culture War Wins Related Reading
They Fear You
Kansas Legislature Passes Bill to Stop Infanticide, Protect Babies Who Survive Abortions
New Critical Race Theory Report Confirms ‘Tide Is Changing,’ Expert Says
Indiana Bans Sex Change Surgeries for Minors › American Greatness
Kansas, Arkansas State Lawmakers Pass Transgender Bathroom Bills


 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4–7 ESV)

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  1. Pingback: Culture War Wins! 5/28/2023 : Faith Seeking Understanding

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