Defending the Traditional Family

Defending the Traditional Family

Defending the traditional family from our decaying culture becomes more important as attacks on family intensify.

Defending the Traditional Family
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

In my first post about the attack on the traditional family, I defined the traditional family and established its importance and value. I also shared some examples of how the family is under attack. I then answered the question, “Why is the traditional family under attack?”

In the second post of this series, I showed how the attack on the family’s roots are in Marxist thought and its contemporary children, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Wokeism.

In the last post, I showed how the sexual revolution brought about a seismic cultural shift, spawning a promiscuous and sex-crazed culture that has increasingly attacked the traditional family.

Now, we will consider how to defend the traditional family from these efforts to tear it apart.

Defending the Traditional Family—Biblical Foundations

If we are going to defend the family from cultural attacks, we must first reestablish the foundational biblical teaching on marriage and family. Without a firm grasp on what the Bible says about family, we cannot stand firmly on the truth.

(The ideas and information in this section are gleaned from The Bible’s Teaching on Marriage and Family by Andreas J. Köstenberger, A Family Research Council Publication.)

Köstenberger asserts we can only save marriage and family in our decaying culture by a return to the biblical foundation of these institutions. I agree.

What are these foundations?

First, family in Scripture refers to the matrimonial union between one man and one woman, with the normal expectation of having natural or adopted children. Family also extends to other persons related by blood (siblings, cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.).

The key verse is “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).

Köstenberger explains that this verse establishes the biblical model of marriage as intended by God.

To “become one flesh” points to the couple’s sexual intimacy resulting in offspring, fulfilling God’s command to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion” over all of creation (Genesis 1:28).

This does not limit this understanding of marriage and family Bible believers.

These aspects of marriage—the complementarity of male and female, and the irreplaceable role of male-female relations in reproducing the human race—are part of the original order of creation, and are evident to all human beings from the enduring order of nature. These common elements of marriage are at the heart of our civil laws defining and regulating marriage. Therefore, people of all cultures and religions—including those who lack faith in God, Christ, or the Bible—are capable of participating in the institution of marriage. (p. 3)

Summarizing the Scriptural foundation for marriage and family:

… the Bible makes clear that, at the root, marriage and the family are not human conventions based merely on a temporary consensus and time-honored tradition. Instead, Scripture teaches that family was God’s idea and that marriage is a divine, not merely human, institution. The implication of this truth is significant indeed, for this means that humans are not free to renegotiate or redefine marriage and the family in any way they choose but that they are called to preserve and respect what has been divinely instituted. (p. 4)

Defending the Traditional Family—What can we do?

We’ve established that God established the institution of the family when He created Adam and Eve. The family is God-designed and God-ordained.

In previous posts we’ve also established that the family is under attack by a culture seeking to destroy it.

So, how do we defend the traditional family? What are some actions we can take?

Before I share my ideas, I want to clarify I am not suggesting that everyone can take the same defensive steps. Certainly, some are fundamental, and every family should adopt them. Others may be appropriate for only a few.

First, here is a defensive plan every Christian family should implement. Albert Mohler writes:

Finally, Christian parents must endeavor to fill their homes with the fragrance of the gospel—family worship, family devotions, Scripture memorization, and quality family time will do more to promote the health of the next generation than we can imagine. (The Gathering Storm, location 2461, Kindle Edition).

Second, along the same lines, encourage your pastors to preach and teach about the family.

Third, pay attention to what your children are being taught in school.

  • Talk with your kids about their classes and engage with them as they do their homework.
  • Attend school board meetings. Know what is on the agenda and don’t hesitate to share your thoughts. (Remember that you are an ambassador for Christ, so season your comments with grace and peace).

Fourth, be actively politically. Understand the positions of the candidates. Vote down Marxist influenced liberals at the polls and campaign against them.

Finally, consider alternative education choices. A Christian school if it is in your budget. Perhaps homeschooling.

Final Thoughts—Defending the Family

In this series of posts, we’ve seen how the traditional family is under attack as our culture turns further away from God.

We’ve uncovered the Marxist roots of the attack, and exposed contemporary Marxist influenced movements bent on destroying the family. And we’ve seen how our sexualized culture as expressed in promiscuity, no-fault divorce, the LBGTQ agenda, and more undermines family.

I’ve also suggested ways we can actively defend the family, and that begins with recovering the biblical foundations of marriage and family.

The one thing I haven’t explicitly done is name the source of the assault on the traditional family.

As I pointed out in the first post of the series, the attack began in Genesis chapter 3 when Satan, as a serpent, enticed Adam and Eve to disobey God.

That same serpent, Satan, is the source and instigator of every effort to destroy the traditional family. The family is the basis for a godly society and Satan will do all in his power to undermine this foundation.

But there is no need to despair. Keep in mind these words from St. Paul as you join me in standing firm in the family’s defense.

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3–5 ESV).


Related Reading:

The Bible’s Teaching on Marriage and Family by Köstenberger, Andreas J.

Jr, R. Albert Mohler. The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2020.

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