Attack on the family

Attack on the Family: Our Sexualized Culture

The traditional family is under attack and our sexualized culture is at the forefront.

Attack on the family
Photo by Karolina Grabowska @

In my first post about the attack on the traditional family, I defined the traditional family and established its importance and value. I also shared some examples of how the family is under attack. I then answered the question, “Why is the traditional family under attack?” My answer is worth repeating:

First, the family is so basic and important that it is the focus of most attacks seeking to upend or destroy the culture.

Second, family is the most important part of our social structure, especially for Christians. That is why Satan, and his allies are doing everything they can to destroy the family.

Third, some espousing anti-family ideas may not even realize how they are subverting families. Because Satan is the chief enemy of the family, they are doing the devil’s work without even being aware of it.

Finally, the targeting of the family is intrinsic to the agenda of WOKE ideology.

Clearly, those who oppose God and His plan for humanity want to destroy the traditional family because it stands in the way of their desire to rule in God’s place.

In the second post of this series, I showed how the attack on the family’s roots are in Marxist thought and its contemporary children, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Wokeism.

In this post, we will consider how our sexualized culture is at the forefront of the attack on the traditional family.

What do I mean when I say our culture is sexualized? I am referring to the seismic cultural shift brought about by the sexual revolution and the promiscuous culture it spawned and inflames.

In her book, The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Why the Church Was Right All Along, Jennifer Roback Morse defines the sexual revolution:

The Sexual Revolution consists of ideas as well as the policies that put those ideas into practice. The three main ideas of the Sexual Revolution are that a good and decent society should: 1. separate sex from childbearing: the Contraceptive Ideology; 2. separate both sex and childbearing from marriage: the Divorce Ideology; 3. eliminate all distinctions between men and women except those that individuals explicitly embrace: the Gender Ideology (Location 321).

Thus, our sexualized culture attacks the traditional family from several directions, including: abortion on demand, easy no-fault divorce, the rise of the porn culture, the homosexual and transgender agenda, same-sex marriage, and the LBGTQ movement.

Below I will address how these aspects of our sexualized culture contribute to the attack on the traditional family.

Attack on the Family—No Fault Divorce

No fault divorce makes it easy to break up and destroy relationships God means to last for a lifetime. It is no longer necessary to have a good reason to divorce, and it is no longer necessary to for the couple to seek counseling and reconciliation. Simply divorce and move on to your next lover or spouse.

Jennifer Roback Morse provides some insight into the damage caused by no fault divorce:

Removing the fault basis for divorce redefined marriage in two ways. Obviously, no-fault divorce removed the presumption of permanence from the marriage bond. At the same time, no-fault removes the presumption that marriage is a sexually exclusive union: adultery had been considered a marital fault. One party was the offending party; the other was the innocent party. This was precisely the language that the advocates of no-fault wished to eliminate. Under this new legal regime, the presumption that marriage is a lifelong sexually exclusive union came to an end. (The Sexual State, Loc. 3088 – 3090)

How Does No Fault Divorce Attack the Family?

First, it cheapens the marriage bond. No longer is marriage to be for a lifetime, but only a convenience.

Second, it makes it easier for a family to be broken and destroyed.

Third, and most importantly, the children are the primary victims. Easy divorce separates them from a parent they need. Children need steady relationships with parents of both sexes. Occasional visits with the non-custodial spouse don’t suffice.

Why this is crucial to the healthy development of a child is beyond the scope of this post. However, there is much evidence that children do better with a male father and female mother. 

Attack on the Family — Pornography

Pornography has been around in various forms for a long time but never is such explicit and easily available to anyone of any age. Yes, porn sites post the obligatory warning that you must be 18 or older to enter, but how many teens and even younger kids are just going to click and enter the porn site? My guess is more will ignore the warning, then click to say I’m old enough, and go forward.

Here is how pornography attacks the traditional family:

First, it encourages the child or teen to violate any moral instruction received from his or her parents.

Second, for the adult viewer of pornography, it replaces the intimacy of marriage.

Third, it can undermine a marriage by creating unrealistic expectations of one’s spouse.

Fourth, creating unrealistic expectations of one’s spouse can encourage the viewer to seek sexual fulfillment outside of his or her marriage.

Fifth, pornography teaches, especially the male viewer, to commodify sex and degrade women.

Sixth, it detaches sex from any ethical context.

It isn’t difficult to see how pornography can undermine and destroy family relationships.

Attack on the Family—Promiscuity

The sin of sexual lust has been around since the Fall. But as the sexual revolution, the birth control pill, and abortion on demand came on the scene, promiscuity is no longer restrained by the possibility of a surprise pregnancy. So, just do it!

No, this is not a Nike commercial. But here are some disturbing facts about cohabitation:

The number of unmarried partners living together in the United States nearly tripled in two decades from 6 million to 17 million, 7% of the total adult population (xls).

As more unmarried couples opted to live together, their profile changed significantly, according to a new study from the U.S. Census Bureau: “Cohabitation over the Last 20 Years: Measuring and Understanding the Changing Demographics of Unmarried Partners, 1996-2017.”

Why marry when you can have all the sexual benefits without the commitment?

But what do you do if conceive a child, and it will interfere with your relationship? It’s simple, you abort, that is killing the child in the womb.

Thanks to abortion on demand, the unwanted pregnancy is gone.

No need to marry.

No need to be a family.

Attack on the Family — LBGTQ & Homosexual Agendas

The LBGTQ and homosexual agendas attack the family by confusing gender roles and creating unwholesome alternatives to the traditional family.

Why this push to groom kids? Rainbow Mafia thugs claim there is an anti-LGBTQ+ movement in the U.S. that they feel is especially important to stand against. One way they will make sure that their deviant lifestyle is promoted, and spread is by “educating” children. But sexual perversion is not something children should be forced to accept. Dragooning them to think about, talk about, or explore sex and sexual peculiarities is grooming both in a political and predatory sense. Set aside the desire to be seen as morally “good” or “trendy” and you are left with parents destroying the innocence of their children. It’s making them more vulnerable and accepting of things that aren’t good for them. There is a reason some content is considered “adult” and obscene. Children do not have the faculties to properly assimilate what they are seeing and come out okay on the other side.

To make matters worse, the Biden administration is going overboard to suck up to the LBGTQ community and push their radical agenda on the American people, further weakening the family.

“Biden’s celebration of the far-left’s radical gender ideology is no surprise coming from a White House that went woke on day one,” said Andrew Brennan, director of faith communications for the Republican National Committee, in a statement. “From trying to destroy women’s sports to teaching toddlers about sexual identity, ‘extreme’ doesn’t even begin to describe the Democrat Party in 2022. Biden and Democrats will discover just how out of touch they are when Americans reject their radical agenda this November.”

Attack on the Family — Same Sex Marriage

Consider how same-sex marriage tears down the traditional family.

Same-sex couples cannot have their own children, thus is anti-family.

If they adopt, use a surrogate or sperm donor, the child is denied the nurturing of the opposite-sex parent.

This is not the family God created at the beginning with Adam and Eve.

Redefining something is an effective way of destroying it. Thus, the redefinition of marriage is ultimately aimed at destroying the family.

Concluding Thoughts

The attack on the family began in the Garden of Eden and has manifested itself in many forms over the centuries. The sexual revolution of the 1960s brought more intensity to attack. Its contemporary manifestations of rampant promiscuity, pornography, transgenderism, homosexuality and more have intensified the attack.

As Christians, it is our responsibility to stand for the biblical understanding of marriage and family.

In the last post of this series, I will share some ways we can defend the traditional family.

 Related Reading:

Morse, Jennifer Roback. The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Why the Church Was Right All Along. TAN Books. Kindle Edition.

Reno, R. R.. Resurrecting the Idea of a Christian Society. Regnery Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Setting Fathers Against Sons – The American Conservative 

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3–5 ESV).

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