Pride Month

Why I Don’t Celebrate Pride Month

This post is about why I don’t celebrate “Pride Month” or encourage any Pride MonthChristian to do so. I don't celebrate pride month

I don't celebrate pride month

However, rather than sharing only my own thoughts, I will share links to posts, articles, and essays that provide much more insight, and which I agree with. Please take a few minutes to visit these links.

First, here is how I suggest you respond to “Pride Month”:

Responding to “Pride Month” I suggest “Prayer Month.” Devote time each day in June to pray for those caught in the sinful LBGTQ+ lifestyle. Pray for individuals if you can. Pray for them to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Also, recognize that we are all sinners needing the Savior.

The Indelible Conscience and a Month of “pride”

Pride Month turns a moral argument—about which the Bible has clear and unequivocal answers—into a quest for personal self-acceptance, which is why many soft-hearted and muddle-headed Christians line up for the parade just like everyone else.

What Christians Should Remember About Pride Month

It’s Pride month again, which means we will all have another chance to offer a pinch of incense to the gods of the sexual revolution. Governments, companies, and individuals will compete to see who can be the most pro-LGBT. Social media profiles will signal solidarity and cities will fly rainbow flags to match their rainbow sidewalks. In various ways, we will all be invited to participate. How should Christians respond?

Read the article to find the answers to the question.

3 Ways to Engage LGBTQ+ Pride Month

The author offers 3 suggestions on how to respond to “Pride Month”

Welcome to Pride Month, Christian

The Christian cause of this month should be opposing Pride Month and its flag in as public and strident a way as many have opposed racism and its symbols.

This makes Pride Month something with which no Christian should have any sympathy whatsoever. It marks the beginning of summer with a dramatic assertion of human autonomy and the sovereignty of individual desire. The rebels take over time. And with their flags and their parades they assert ownership over space—public, commercial, virtual, and even—via yards signs and symbols on social media posts—personal and private. It is not about what the state allows consenting adults to do in the privacy of their bedrooms. Far from it. Rather, June witnesses as comprehensive an attempt at cultural revolution as one is ever likely to see. And anyone who doubts this only needs to walk down M Street in Georgetown or visit and ask themselves what message the commercial signs in the shop windows or the rainbow banners on the website send to their children or why the assistant at the cash register at some bland clothing store still asks them if they would like to supplement their purchases with a donation to the Human Rights Campaign.

Pride Month and Ezekiel 16:49

It is worth noting how Ezekiel lists “pride” right before Sodom’s sexual “abominations.” I don’t think this is accidental. Pride refers to Sodom’s boastful and self-regarding arrogance. As the Bible teaches elsewhere, whatever is in the heart will eventually spill out into action. The Lord Jesus himself confirms that this is particularly true of sexual sin (Matthew 5:28). The people of Sodom had arrogance in their hearts, and that pride turned out to be the wellspring of sin, including their abominable sexual immorality.

And perhaps that is the lesson to be learned here at the beginning of “Pride” month. Pride is not something to celebrate or flaunt. It is a grave sin in need of repentance before a holy God. Eventually, those who approve of homosexuality will find out that even their affirmation is a grave sin. For judgment falls not only on those who commit abominable sins but also on those who “give hearty approval to those who practice them” (Rom. 1:32).

Pride Cometh Before the Fall

To reduce his point down to its simplest form: traditional tolerance allowed people to actually “put up” with one another because they shared the commonality of pursuing ultimate, objective truth grounded in reality, whereas the new form of tolerance is not built on the concept of objective truth, but what is believed to be worthy of acceptance, approval, and applause. It must not merely be “accepted” as a contrary idea; it must be praised as the true and right ideal.

This is why you see such outrage over basic, Biblical teachings on things like abortion, homosexuality, gender, and more. Once you stray into a topic that the Bible unflinchingly covers in a contrary way to the culture’s ideals, you quickly find yourself in the crosshairs of those who would, as Trueman put it, liken you to a White Supremacist. This has already happened on the three aforementioned issues of abortion, homosexuality, and gender, by the way—even from some who claim to be Christian. It seems like many are still pandering for acceptance in a world that has swiftly become post-Christian.

The Anarchic Philosophy Behind ‘LGBTQI+ Pride Month’

June marks LGBTQI+ Pride Month — a month honoring those who are “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex.” This ever-expanding rubric revolves around a particular value system entirely embraced by the modern Left: the notion that a person’s core identity ought to lie not in the relationship between individual desires and societal duties, but instead ought to revolve around a subjective sense of self, unverifiable by the world at large and justified against all societal roles and rules.

The New Gay Left, and How ‘Pride’ Became an Angry, Vicious Movement

The changes in the gay activist left’s targets and in their aggression have been building for years now. Long gone are the days of gay pride as a movement that claims it’s for inclusion, acceptance, and self-esteem. While the gay activist movement always fought for a hard shift from traditional, Christian values on things like marriage, these days June 1 marks the start of a month of targeted campaigns to force submission to left-wing policies often far afield from even the radical goals of America’s first gay activists.

Federal Agencies Celebrate Pride, Ignore Memorial Day

It’s Pride month again, which means we will all have another chance to offer a pinch of incense to the gods of the sexual revolution. Governments, companies, and individuals will compete to see who can be the most pro-LGBT. Social media profiles will signal solidarity and cities will fly rainbow flags to match their rainbow sidewalks. In various ways, we will all be invited to participate. How should Christians respond?

Pride Month: Not All Rainbows and Unicorns

President Joe Biden has affirmed that June is “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month.” He is following the tradition of two Democrat presidents before him, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, but adding “queer” and “intersex” to show how much more inclusive and progressive his administration is. This is also a political necessity because sexual identities have become an ever-expanding category.

Related Reading:

The Rapid Uptick in LGBT Identification Is Driven by
People Who Are Actually Straight, Report Finds
Fairfax Parents Protest Rule That Bans Calling Boys Boys and Girls Girls
K-12 Schools Must Put Boys in Girls’ Privvies to Get Federal Lunch Money
Most US Voters Oppose Body Mutilating Sex-Change Surgeries for Kids but Too Afraid Speak Up: Poll
Trans Kids’: Planned Parenthood’s New Revenue Stream
Virginia Schools May Expel Elementary Students for ‘Misgendering’
The Groomer Controversy: What’s Actually Going On?


 26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26–27 ESV)

Why I Don’t Celebrate Pride Month Read More »