Domestic Terrorist

Are You a Domestic Terrorist?

Domestic Terrorist


Are you a domestic terrorist? According to the Biden Administration, I probably am. What about you?

A New Definition of Domestic Terrorism

I’ve recently learned that I may be a domestic terrorist according to the Biden administration. Here’s why.

I believe same-sex marriage is wrong, support parents having the right to question what the schools are teaching their children, think Black Lives Matter and Antifa are anti-American, and oppose critical race theory. I also speak out against abortion and assisted suicide. And I make my position on all these issues known on social media.

I also reject any thought of using violence to further my causes.

Yet, under the Biden administration’s relentless attack on anyone who differs from their views, I am a domestic terrorist.

Biden’s Initial Attack on Domestic Terrorists

It didn’t take the Biden administration long to launch an attack on their opposition. Only 6 months into his term we got this: Domestic Extremism’ Report Targets Democrats’ Political Opponents 

This report establishes a “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism”

This is a policy aimed at squashing dissent from the current administration’s progressive policies and actions. And it clearly states that the power of the government will police and control those who dissent. You might say it is a “Woke” up call to the citizens of the United States!

It calls for abuses of state power to combine elements of totalitarian government with social and cultural engineering. They decided the Constitution and those pesky old individual liberties won’t stop them from making America the “Wokest” Place on Earth.

The report, like the administration, sees all these attacks coming from the right of the political spectrum. Did they forget about BLM instigated riots of 2020? What about the violence committed by Antifa? Well, I guess they are only peaceful protestors, hmm?

Who does this report attack?

Cleary anyone who stands firm on their constitutional rights to free speech, bears arms, and declares their freedom to live according to their religious beliefs. And anyone who dares to think differently than the elite.

The Biden domestic terror strategy looks to institutionalize this unequal treatment and shut down the ability of citizens on the political right to exercise many constitutionally guaranteed natural rights. They start with free speech and propose to partner with the tech tyrants to further marginalize or eliminate ideas they dislike or disagree with: “These efforts speak to a broader priority: enhancing faith in government and addressing the extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms, which can tear Americans apart and lead some to violence.”

Translation: “Your ideas are dangerous to our ability to aggregate state power, and we are going to shut you down.” Social media companies have been censoring conservative speech very happily, and we’ve been told that’s just fine because they’re private companies. But this is a bold-faced announcement of a public-private partnership to create a National Thought Police.

People like me are their immediate concern. But they also have a plan to reduce the threat of domestic terrorism of our kind in the future. They will indoctrinate our children with CRT and learn to be Woke citizens.

It means ensuring that Americans receive the type of civics education that promotes tolerance and respect for all and investing in policies and programs that foster civic engagement and inspire a shared commitment to American democracy, all the while acknowledging when racism and bigotry have meant that the country fell short of living up to its founding principles.

Oh, and if you hope to get a needed security clearance for your job, or (God forbid) want to work for the government, you need to pass a “loyalty check.” [This stuff is right out of Orwell’s 1984.)

They are also planning loyalty checks for government jobs and clearances: “Pre–employment background checks and re–investigations for government employees is a critical screening process that must account for all possible terrorist threats. A diverse workforce well served the United States, including in the military and Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement. Those who protect and defend this nation should reflect the nation, including its vast spectrum of experiences and viewpoints.”

The Domestic Terrorist Policy in Action

It didn’t take long for the Biden Gestapo to go into action.

In October 2021, the National School Boards Association sent a letter to the Justice Department portraying parents who care enough about their children’s education as domestic terrorists when they objected to radical curricula, including Critical Race Theory, and the usual LBGTQ memes. In the letter, they asked the feds to investigate and prosecute these terrible people.

A good soldier for the cause, Attorney General Merrick Garland responded by having federal law-enforcement agencies investigate supposed threats against school-board administrators. After all, we must act quickly to neutralize these “parent terrorists.”

Just for the record, according to the national review:

27 state chapters have either downgraded their relationship or severed ties with the headquarters altogether. Eighteen states, Alabama, Arkansas, and Florida being the most recent, have ended their membership, citing repeated grievances with the body. Half of the state groups have condemned in lockstep the NSBA’s encroachment on their local affairs, with a number of them reportedly pitching an alternative organization as a replacement.

Also see this report: Garland Suffers from Truth Decay

If You are Against CRT, you are a Domestic Terrorist

The Biden administration and the left are in love with Critical Race Theory. To them, it is the gospel truth and every American and especially every educational institution must bow to. So, if you confront CRT, you are likely to be a domestic terrorist, just like me.

The Justice Department, led by that petty tyrant Merrick Garland (thank God he isn’t on the Supreme Court), has asserted that parents and anyone in general concerned with critical race theory and other tools of educational propaganda are [[domestic]] terrorists. What a surprise. Not.

The reason that progressives consider any concern against federal indoctrination as tantamount to terrorism is because progressives cannot allow any opposition to their totalitarian whims. So much for tolerance and respecting other peoples’ opinions. This is always the impetus of tyrannical movements. Any disagreement threatens to shatter the illusion of Utopian totalitarian progress.

Make no mistake about it. The battles we are witnessing now over school boards and public schools, which have already begun to poison the well of some private and even religious educational institutions, will lead to progressive totalitarians targeting the very nature of those private and religious schools refusing to submit to their tyranny as hotbeds of domestic terrorism.

You May be a Domestic Terrorist if You Champion Free Speech

First, I must clarify what I mean by this sub-heading. Here is the right way to understand my point: “You are a Domestic Terrorist if Your Idea of Free Speech is Counter to that of the Progressive elite and Cancel Culture.”

Cancel culture—political correctness amped up on steroids, the self-righteousness of a narcissistic age, and a mass-marketed pseudo-morality that is little more than fascism disguised as tolerance—has shifted us into an Age of Intolerance, policed by techno-censors, social media bullies, and government watchdogs.

Everything is now fair game for censorship if it can be construed as hateful, hurtful, bigoted or offensive provided that it runs counter to the established viewpoint.

In this way, the most controversial issues of our day—race, religion, sex, sexuality, politics, science, health, government corruption, police brutality, etc.—have become battlegrounds for those who claim to believe in freedom of speech but only when it favors the views and positions they support.

This tendency to censor, silence, delete, label as “hateful,” and demonize viewpoints that run counter to the cultural elite is being embraced with a near-fanatical zealotry by a cult-like establishment that values conformity and groupthink over individuality.

Biden Doubles-Down on Defining Domestic Terrorists

If you supported President Trump, you now risk being labeled a domestic terrorist.

The real danger to our republic is the Joe Biden administration’s totalitarian effort to label millions of ordinary Americans as supporters of terrorists.

In short, describing all the RPGs as “insurrectionists” or “terrorists” trying to destroy “our democracy” is clearly inaccurate, but is Democrats’ chosen line of attack. It defines their enemies. After all, what truly independent voter would not be against insurrectionists and terrorists who engaged in an “armed insurrection” intended to “subvert the Constitution”?

The War on Trump Is a War on His Voters This is an intentional strategy with a malevolent purpose: Former President Trump and his supporters must be utterly destroyed. Make no mistake about it: Democrats’ goal is the total destruction of former President Trump, any GOP politician who questions either the way the 2020 elections were conducted or the tactics being employed by the House January 6 committee, and anyone who supported Trump.

If the Democrats and their media allies succeed in defining their terrain and enemies as an insurrection supported by terrorists who, in Joe Biden’s words, want to “subvert the Constitution,” then the full force of the federal government can be brought to bear against them. This will include ordinary American citizens whose only “crime” has been to support Trump or raise questions about the propriety of Biden’s election, or, as we have seen, those who just oppose the Democrats’ pet projects, such as the indoctrination of school children with racists philosophy, by showing up and protesting at school board meetings.

Your “Thought Crimes” Make You a Domestic Terrorist

This is another development right out of Orwell’s 1984. If you think or believe the wrong things, as defined by the totalitarian administration, you may commit a “thought crime” which is now in the same class as violent terrorist acts.

In August, the government extended its wild accusations out of the courtrooms and into local police departments. Leading up to the anniversary of 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security issued an alert advising police and neighborhoods to be on the lookout for potential terror threats. Among them were “opposition to COVID measures,” or association with “conspiracy theories on perceived election fraud.”

Do you oppose certain COVID policies or hold a skeptical view of the 2020 election’s security but have no intent to respond violently or illegally? The DHS draws no line; to them, you may be a terrorist. Their language spreads beyond actions to include statements or beliefs that are inherently devoid of any call to action, violent or not. One could almost call it an indictment of “thought crime.”

The Latest Advisory from DHS on Domestic Terrorists

The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content. The convergence of violent extremist ideologies, false or misleading narratives, and conspiracy theories have and will continue to contribute to a heightened threat of violence in the United States.

Here is some pertinent commentary from the Federalist:

The desire to control what people watch, hear, read and eventually think is deeply embedded in the left’s playbook. They have been at this for generations, but recently have succeeded to the point they are comfortable just saying it outright. They have convinced 40 percent of millennials that “hate speech” is not protected by the First Amendment. The trick now is linking speech they want to shut down to terrorism.

“The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content,” the document states. They make their goal of speech control perfectly clear by specifying “the consumption of certain online content.” What is stunning is their unashamed belief that policing this falls withing their purview. It seems to call for an agency focused on ensuring that only online content the government feels is legitimate is allowed—a Ministry of Truth, if you will.

The agency gets even more specific: “There is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.” Aha, there it is. Those right-wing extremists are at it again. And pay close attention to the phrasing “inspired violent extremist attacks.” That is a direct path to “incited violent extremist attacks” and to material support for terrorism. That is how they will criminalize speech they dislike.

That fits right in with their earlier National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism from June 2021, which is directed at designating political opponents of the left into that category. They explicitly tie their social engineering agenda to this new threat: “This approach must apply to our efforts to counter domestic terrorism by addressing underlying racism and bigotry.”

Simply put, this is an attack on the freedom of Americans to express their opinions, criticize the current administration, counter false narratives, and state what they believe to be true.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “The National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin is the latest tactic by the Biden administration to trample on the First Amendment and bully law-abiding citizens. When did criticizing government institutions and policies regarding masking and shot mandates become a domestic terrorism threat? When did public assemblies alone become a threat?”

“The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition the government. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of every dissenting voice to freely voice or express their opinions and ideas. The First Amendment does not have a truth meter that the government must pre-approve.” “The Founders considered free speech to be a natural right that was vital to the existence of a healthy republic. However, this administration apparently feels threatened by Americans who think for themselves and will not uncritically accept government propaganda and coercion.”

A Question for You

Now that you’ve seen the Biden administration’s definition, are you a domestic terrorist?

I mean, like me, you dissent from much or all the progressive agenda being forced on the American people, but you do not condone the use of violence to achieve your goals.

If you dare take a stand against this illegal attack on our basic rights, please let me know by commenting on this post.

A warning: if you agree with me, you might be a domestic terrorist according to the Biden administration’s definition.

I will take this stand and the risk that comes with it. Not because I am stronger than anyone else, but because my trust is not in our government or any human power.

7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. (Psalm 20:7 ESV)

If you have never read George Orwell’s prophetic (not in the biblical sense) book, 1984 you need to read it and consider what it means for us today.

Are You a Domestic Terrorist? Read More »