Good News

This Week’s Good News

Here’s This Week’s Good News!

Many of my posts address difficult topics. So, it is time for some good news. Yes, the culture war rages. Investment markets are rocky. Wars and disease seem to be the norm. But God is still in control and there is much good news to rejoice about.

Image by Andrea Don from Pixabay
Boy With Rare Facial Deformities Was Given Up by His Parents, Grows Up to Earn PhD in Craniofacial Science

A true story of faith and determination.

“A baby who was born with a rare genetic disorder that causes facial deformities was given a poor prognosis by doctors and abandoned by his birth parents. However, he got a second chance at life when he was adopted by a Christian family who supported him through surgeries, an autism diagnosis, brutal bullying, and countless battles for acceptance.”

 Woman Who Conceived Twins in Rape Rejects Abortion, Shares How Her 21-Year-Old Twins Saved Her Life

Roe v. Wade is history, yet the battle to save innocent unborn babies continues. Read this account of a woman who confronted with the choice to abort twice.

“Even today, Nancy Kelly swears she heard the sound of her unborn baby’s scream during the first abortion procedure she underwent.

“The sound would haunt her from that day forward.

“It made such an impact on her heart that she chose to not abort the twins she would conceive years later, after she was raped.”

 How to Choose Gratitude in Great and Terrible Times

We all face trials in our lives. How good are we at giving thanks and praise to God when amid the storm?

 Widows Fall in Love After Tragic Loss of Both Their Spouses, Become Blended Family of 8

As Christians, the Resurrection teaches us that great good can come from great tragedy. Here is a story of blessing overcoming tragedy.

“A second chance at a happily ever-after came for a widow and widower from Wisconsin when they met after both having lost their spouses in sudden, tragic circumstances.”

Without Luther, There Would Have Been No Bach

When I read or am writing, I usually listen to classical music, often Bach. In fact, Marsha and I have visited Bachhaus in Eisenach, Germany, where we learned about the great composer. Appropriately, we were there while touring the major Luther historical sites.

“Martin Luther never met Johann Sebastian Bach. The two Germans were born more than 200 years apart. But without Luther, there would have been no Bach.”

 Soot-Covered Coal Miner Rushed to Kentucky Basketball Game to Watch With Little Son — What Happened Next Was ‘Mind-Blowing’

I love this account about a hard-working father’s commitment to his family (and perhaps to the Kentucky Wildcats).

“Covered in soot, Kentucky coal miner Michael Maguire rushed to Pikeville over the weekend to watch a Wildcats basketball game with his young son and wife. The man’s appearance caught a lot of attention — including the gaze of University of Kentucky head coach John Calipari.”

A Personal Note

My blogging has slowed down because I have been fighting the RSV virus that saps my energy. Good news, I am feeling much better.

But on Tuesday night (election day) and Wednesday morning I was both physically sick and emotionally distraught over the Republican’s poor showing in the midterms. (Yes, I am a Republican and a conservative.). To put it mildly, I was feeling like something you might step in walking through a cow pasture!

Feeling this way, I opened my Bible to begin the assigned daily readings. This is the first verse I read:

 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” (John 14:1 ESV)

Wow! The Holy Spirit hit me straight between the eyes with this God-sent two-by-four.

My trust was misplaced.

I had forgotten the source of all good things.

I had forgotten that, regardless of the immediate circumstances, God is in control.

The Good News overcame my despair, and I rejoiced.


4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4–7 ESV)

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